thirty five

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"Do you want to hold my hand?"

Camila looked down at the younger girl standing next to her in the driveway, whose brown eyes were taking in the quaint white house that stood tall before them. Presley glanced up at Camila, and then to her outstretched hand. She reached up and wrapped her small fingers around Camila's thumb gently.

"This is your home now, too," Camila said softly, squatting down next to the smaller girl to try and look at the house from her level. "It is not a big fancy mansion... but... it is home," Camila nodded.

"Ready?" Lauren appeared behind them, holding the pink duffel bag with Presley's belongings over her shoulder. Camila nodded, standing up and leading the smaller girl up the front porch steps.

When Lauren unlocked the door, Camila held out a hand to keep her from entering. She nudged the door open with her foot, allowing Presley to shyly peer into the house. A few moments later, the smaller girl glanced up at Camila, tugging on her thumb to tell her that she wanted to go inside.

Lauren looked at Camila in shock, but the brown eyed girl just giggled softly, allowing Presley to lead the way inside.

"It is about... being able to do it on your own," Camila turned to Lauren as the green eyed girl closed the door behind them. "To feel like... you have a choice."

"Control," Lauren nodded softly. Camila flashed her a small smile before turning her attention back to Presley, who was looking around with a hint of curiosity glimmering in her eyes.

"You can look around, if you want," Camila laughed softly. Without letting go of her hand, Presley took a few shy steps forwards. Camila followed her as she peered into the living room while Lauren disappeared down the hallway to put her bags away.

"This is the living room," Camila nodded, allowing Presley to lead her around the room as she checked out everything it had to offer. "The kitchen is over there."

Presley allowed Camila to lead her into the kitchen, showing her around. They walked through the master bedroom, the dining room, the art studio, and eventually down the hallway where Lauren rejoined them.

"Last stop, little one," Lauren laughed softly, squatting down next to the girl and brushing her hair out of her face. "Do you know what this is?"

Presley turned to look at Lauren, shaking her head slowly. Lauren saw the curiosity in her eyes, so she nodded towards the door. "Take a look, then."

There was a hint of a smile on Presley's face upon Lauren's words. She looked at them for approval before reaching out and pushing the door open.

When the colorful room was revealed, the smaller girl took the couple by surprise when she turned around and looked at them in confusion.

"That's yours," Lauren whispered, nudging her forwards gently. "Go ahead."

Immediately, the smaller girl's face lit up. She looked back and forth from Lauren to Camila, as if she were trying to make sure they were telling the truth. A wide smile spread across her face once the reality set in and she turned back to the room, pulling Camila forwards with her as she ventured inside.

Lauren and Camila exchanged glances, a relieved smile on both of their faces. Presley dropped Camila's finger and began looking around the room, taking the time to study everything, especially the scene Lauren had painted on the wall.

Both girls grew confused when something seemed to have startled Presley. Just as they were about to say something, the smaller girl giggled, pointing to the fluffy white tail that stuck out from underneath the bed.

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