Chapter 6

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Cameron's POV: I went to Lauren's house to gave her a bracelet I bought for her to celebrate that she got the role.
When I role up her sleeve I saw something, I think they were cuts but Lauren couldn't... She rolled her sleeve down really quick. "What were you doing Cameron!" "I was gonna try this on you." I saw her the bracelet. "Awww Cam, it's beautiful! But why?" "I wanted to bought you something as beautiful as you but I couldn't find it so I bought you this bracelet." She blushed a lot. "Thanks Cam! I really appreciate this!" She hugged me. "Lauren, you don't have to thank me nothing but... I want to ask you an important question." We stopped hugging. "What question?" I took a deep breath. "Do you self harm?"
Lauren's POV: Oh no! He saw my cuts! I don't want him to know it! It could change our friendship. He could treat me different. "No! Why did you ask that?! Are you out of your mind?!" "Lauren, you don't have to lie, I saw your cuts." I rolled my sleeves up. "OMG! LAUREN, WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" He started crying "IDK! I JUST NEED TO!" "Please, PLEASE, don't do it again, promise?" "I CAN'T PROMISE YOU THAT!" I started crying. He took my hand & kissed it. "Please, Lauren, just tell me what's wrong." "Idk!" "It has to be a reason. Please Lauren." "I don't know if I can tell it to you." "Why?" "I don't want things change between you & me. Promise me that you are not gonna treat me different after I tell it to you, promise?" "Promise."

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