Chapter 21

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Cameron's POV: It was 2 am & I couldn't sleep. I was thinking all the time about Laura & Lauren. I was confused. I'm in love with them both. I need to tell someone. I went downstairs to take my laptop to send a message to Debby so she could help me. I saw that someone was on the backyard so I went to see who it was. It was Lauren! "Lauren? What are you doing here? Are you okay?" I asked worried. "No! Karan & I broke up!" Lauren said crying. "Why?!" I said shocked. "He asked me if I was still in love with you & I told him that I wasn't sure so he told me that I couldn't be friends with you because you aren't good enough for me so I told him that if I couldn't be friends with you we were over so he said better for me I dated you to get my ex jealous." Lauren said crying harder. "What a jerk?! Where is Karan now that I'm gonna beat him up!" I said really mad. "He's at his house." She said. "Why did you came here?" I asked. "I don't know. Cameron I love you but I can't date you." She said stopping crying. "I love you too Lauren." I said & kissed. Lauren let go really quick. "LAURA?! I'M SORRY!" She said. I turned & saw Laura behind me. "No, don't worry about me. Congratulations lovely birds. I'm so happy you too are together." Laura said sarcastically. "Laura, it's not what it seams!" I said. "Bye." She ran out of there. I stood up & went behind her but she has already run away.

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