Chapter 51

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Lauren's POV: We saw that the door was opened we immediately rushed inside the house carefully. We heard some steps that came from Laura's room. We slowly opened the door. "AAAAAH!!" We shouted. "CAMERON! YOU SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!" Laura said. "What the heck are you doing here Cameron?" I asked. "I am here to take Laura to the studios for her auditions it is already 9 am! where were you?!" Cameron said kinda of mad. "Cameron, we were at the hospital because Lauren's dad died." I said. "Oh, my condolences Lauren. I'm so sorry for your father's death." Cameron said hugging me. "It is okay Cam, he is in a better place now." I said back. "It is better if we go change." I said. Laura nodded & headed upstairs with me.

*5 minutes later*

Laura's POV: Lauren & I rushed downstairs. "Lauren, are you sure that you really want to come with us, maybe you should stay & relax a bit." I said worried. "No, it is okay, I want to see how you blow their minds with your amazing voice." Lauren said smiling. We rushed inside the car where Cameron was already waiting for us.


Sorry for taking this long to publish another chapter but I've been way too busy lately & dealing with some personal issues but I really hope that you've liked this chapter, there's still more yet to come!

Love you


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