Chaptet 15

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Cameron's POV: I felt my heart breaking. She's the love of my life. Why did she told me that she couldn't date me? I went outside without saying a word, trying to hold my tears. I sat on a bench & started crying. I heard footsteps coming near me. "Are you okay?" A girl said with a sweet soft voice. It was Laura. I didn't answer. "I know how you feel." She said sitting down. "I know that moment when you feel that your heart is broken in billions of pieces & you will never fix it. A few months ago I had a boyfriend called Mariano. He was all the time telling me how much we loved & missed me. When it was almost our 1 month anniversary he broke up with me. He told me that he couldn't date me because I wasn't good enough for him. He told me that he found a girl way better than me. He told me that we could just be friends. My heart broke in that moment. I felt so useless..." She said. A tear rolled down her cheek. "It hurts like hell..." She said while starting crying. "But I'm still in love with him." She said crying harder. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for Laura. She's so sweet & kind. She doesn't deserve those things. "It's okay Laura. Mariano is such a jerk! You don't deserve this! He's crazy if he can't see how amazing you are! Mariano was right, you aren't good enough... you are more than enough! If he was here I would beat him up!" I said while hugging her. "No! Don't you ever dare to say that again! Mariano is the sweetest & nicest guy in the whole world! I know that he dumped me but I still love him! I know that he doesn't love me back but maybe he changes his opinion one day!" Laura said crying even harder. "But he dumped you like you were rubbish! You don't deserve to be treated like that! You deserve to be treated like a princess because you are one." I said. Laura slowly stopped crying. "Do you really think I'm a princess?"Laura said looking at the ground. "Of course you are a princess! Come on! Lets get something to drink!" I said standing up. Laura looked at me & nodded. She stood up.
We talked all day long about pretty much everything. She's so kind, nice, sweet, lovely, charming, cute, beautiful, stunning, flawless,... Oh damn! I think that I'm starting to have a crush on Laura. But she's so perfect that I can't help!

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