Chapter 29

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Lauren's POV: I felt someone touching my shoulder. "WHAT?! AUNT?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" I said freaking out & hugged her. "I came to visit you." She said. "But you weren't with my parents at the hospital?!" I said. "& I am, they had the accident coming to visit you, your uncle & I were on a different car." She said. "Can I see them?" I asked. "Yes, follow me." She said & took me inside my parents room. "Mom, dad..." I said when I saw them. They looked in so much my pain. "Lauren?! What are you doing here?!" My mom asked. "Long story... but why you didn't tell me that you were in LA?! I was worried about you both!" I said holding my tears up. "We're sorry sweetie but we didn't want you to be worried cause us." My dad said. "But... I was more worried because I didn't know where you were!" I said breaking down. Tears rolled down my cheeks. "We're really sorry Lauren." They both said in unison. I went outside the room & ran to Laura's room. I wiped my tears & checked if my eyes were still red. They weren't so I entered inside the room. I saw that Laura wasn't there. The only thing that I could see was Cameron crying. "Where's Laura?! What happened?!" I asked Cameron worried.

I'm wsorry guys, I know that is kinda of short.
I'll try to upload the next chapter as soon as I can
Love y'all! ❤

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