Chapter 25

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Cameron's POV: "She is okay. She needs a lot of rest. She has to be on a wheelchair for a month." The doctor said. "Can we see her?" Lauren & I asked worried. "No, I'm sorry. We are gonna take her to her room right now. You can visit her when she gets to her room." The doctor said & went inside the operating room. We saw some paramedics going out the operating room with Laura in a pallet. "Excuse me sir. Where are you taking her?" I said. "To her room." The paramedic said."Which room?" I asked. "101" The paramedic said. Lauren & I followed the paramedics to Laura's room. When the paramedics went outside Lauren & I entered inside. Laura looked at us. "Cameron?! Lauren?!" Laura said in a low & trembling voice while she tried to get up. She looked like a truck hit her. "Don't move please! I don't want you to get hurt." I said while taking her hand. "What am I doing here? Where is Karan?! Is he gonna beat me up again?!" Laura asked extremely scared. "Don't worry Laura, Karan is not gonna hurt you anymore. We rescued you. Now Karan is in jail." Lauren said. "Can you tell us how Karan found you?" "Of course. He..."

I'm wsorry guys. I know that is too short. I will try to update another one tomorrow.
Love ya! ❤

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