Chapter 8

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Cameron's POV:
'Hi Laura!
As you see, I'm Cameron Boyce. Please don't freak out! I wanted you to do me a favor.
Lauren told me that you both are like sisters & you do as much as you can to help her with all the stuff that's happening to her.
Well... the favor is, could you come here tomorrow & meet Lauren?
I'll pay the flight.
Tell me if you're coming or not when you read it, it's urgent!
Laura's POV: I woke up & checked my notifications when I was checking the Instagram ones I went to see my DMs & saw one of CAMERON MICA BOYCE! I totally freaked out. When I finished reading the message I went to my parents room & tell them what happened "If he pays the flight I'll let you go." My mom said "REALLY?! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" I started hugging my mom as tight as I could. I went jumping of happiness to my room & replied to him.
'I asked my parents & they told me that I can go to LA if you pay the flight.
I can't wait to meet Lauren! (You too of course)
Thanks for this opportunity Cameron! I'm extremely thankful for this! I'd never thank you enough for this!
Lots of love

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