Chapter 33

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*It contains bad language*

Lauren's POV: They were Peyton & Karan! "It's none of your business Boyce!" Peyton said. "So... Laura was telling the truth the whole time!" I said. "Of course she was! & if you tell anyone about that you'll regret it!" Karan said angrily. "Peyton why have you done that?! & how can you date Karan?! He's a stupid jerk!" I said. "He's not a jerk! & you're a stupid bitch that can't be single for a second! You're a fucking slut like Laura!" Peyton shouted & punched me on the face. I punched her back. We started fighting, meanwhile, Cameron was trying to the take the CD which contained the video off of Karan's hands. "I've got it! Let's go!" Cameron said. I pushed Peyton away & went outside the room. We started running. We found a security guard & told him everything really quick. Karan & Peyton were following us so the guard catches them instantly. The guard told me to call the police.

*10 minutes later*

The police arrived. "You're gonna regret this!" Peyton & Karan said while they entered inside the police's car. We showed the police the video. After the video we told them what happened before. "Where is she now?" One of the policeman asked. "Follow us." Cameron & I said. One of the policeman entered inside the room where Laura was.
Laura's POV: I heard someone entering inside the room. It was a policeman! "Laura Serrano García?" He asked. "Yes?" I said with a weakly voice. "Your friends, Lauren & Cameron, told us what happened. Now the people who did that to you are in prison. You don't have to worry about them anymore. You're save now." He said. Happiness filled me. "Thank you so much sir! I would hug him but the doctor told me that I couldn't stand up." I said happily. "You're welcome Laura." The guard said & left the room.

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