Chapter 19

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Shays POV

I came tearing through my house, smashing things tearing things and tearing anything in sight apart. I tangled my hands into the long flowy part of my dress and tore it off my body discarding it on the floor of my closet. Collapsed onto my bed I take a pillow into my now trembling hands and pull it over my face. Letting out a long treacherous scream over and over holding the pillow tightly to my face as I screamed away the pain I felt inside. I was tempted to turn off my humanity with a simple flip of the switch my pain would dissolve into the air and I would feel fine, but I couldn't do that to Hope. I continued to cry and scream into my pillow taking out all my anger out onto the poor innocent pillow.

Leaving the mascara stained pillow aside, I made my way to the bathroom and showered off all of everything. As I scraped my skin with a loofa trying to rub of his touch, his touch that was meant for someone else, his loving touch for another lover. My skin looked bright red as I continued scrubbing away; I pondered what to do next. I had a great appetite a yearning desire for revenge. I knew I could be the bigger person but I needed to teach someone a lesson. As I showered I planned my great attack at revenge. The warm water made its way down my skin, what seemed like hours of planning only ended up being about twenty minutes, but I had a foolproof plan to get my revenge.

Turning off the water, I went back to my bed and slept, with an evil smile plastered on my face. Sometimes revenge tastes as good as love.


It has been a week since the incident, now back in the ER unit. Countless calls from Matt are filling up my phone asking if he could take me out on a date. I keep saying no, but Elena continually tries to push me to go on one with him. They were all so worried when I didn't come back. I had told them I had an emergency with Hope and I need to get her, so I left imediatly. They thankfully bought it with no questions asked. I also decided it was time for me to get promoted to head nurse. I compelled Head Nurse Jackie into retirement, and with Elenas recommendation I am now Head Nurse Shay.

Strangely in the last week we have had three more "bite" incidences, and I have concluded that they definitely look like a ravage werewolf bite. Elena seems to become more concerned with each patient that comes in with this condition. Even though all of them leave healthy, I know once a vampire actually gets bit by one the only thing to heal them is Klaus' blood. There is no question that they are linked together. He wants something and he won't leave until he gets it. Maybe he knows I am here and he wants to kill me so he can be with his slut Caroline.

"We have another one." Elena says as she knocks me out of my thoughts. Looking up from the paper work I was supposed to be reviewing I rush over to the room where the victim is being held.

Another close save of an innocent life, this is honestly the life with Klaus, cleaning up his messes. Stopping at Alices' house I pick up Hope take her home, Alice seemed different today, her usual southern charm was more bleak lacking enthusiasm when I picked her up. Hope excitedly ran over to me smile wide across her face her honey blonde hair falling down in curls framing her face. She finally reaches me and pulls at my scrubs to go down to her level, and shoves some drawings in my face.

Alice is a freelance comic strip writer, he drawing are always cute and hung up all over the walls of her house. Her and her husband are not able to have kids so I pay her to look after my daughter while I am at work, until she is old enough to go to Kindergarten. Alice has been teaching Hope some drawing skills, and at five years old Hope could draw better than I ever could. Her doodles looked like artwork, she may be a protégée child, born from the blood of another artist.

"Look what I drew today." Hope says excitedly. Flipping through the drawing there was a Banana, a picture of Alice, a picture of a big dog, maybe wolf, and a picture of her and I. Holding the picture of her and I closer, I examine it. A tall women with blonde hair holding the hand of a small beautiful girl with dark blonde hair that curled in all the right places. Right before I go to put the picture down I noticed something drawn on my arm in the picture. A dark black X covered the inside of my wrist. Holding it out for Hope to see I ask her, "Did I get a tattoo?" Hope just gives me a smile and runs into the house.



Will be updating more soon!

Sorry about the long wait I have been in Japan for the last 3 months!

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