Chapter 16 Part 2

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Part 2


"And then I just passed out." Elena said, I was laughing so hard tears were forming in my eyes. She was telling me this hilarious story about one of her really bad incidents in clinical.

"Oh darling, I felt the same way." I said in between bits of laughing.

Today had been a very slow day. For most of the time Elena and I had just talked, and got to know each other. I was nearing the end of my shift, and was going to pick up Hope. Until, I heard sirens outside the building. Elena's eyes lit up. "Looks like we have company." Here in the ER clinic we always had something exciting happen.

A guy with blonde hair was being wheeled into a room on a stretcher, Elena and I followed in immediately. The guy looked about Elenas age. Tall, muscular, blonde, and overall hot, except he was bleeding profusely.

The paramedic was shouting out what happened, but I was already observing for my self, I heard, "Bite.... Torn.... Broken.... Shock.... Coughing..... Blood....."

After he was placed on a bed, I started immediately cutting off "the what was once white t-shirt", and throwing it into the trash. Getting a cloth I whipped away all the dried matted blood on his chest to pinpoint the wound. It looked like a huge bite. Extending from his right pectoral to the middle of his waist. The bite was deep, and not clean at all it looked as if what ever bit him was trying to take that chunk out of him. I grabbed for some solutions to clean the cut when I looked back to see what Elena was doing.

She stood in shock just staring at the victim. I remembered that this was a small town and she probably knew who this guy was.

"Mmmm- Matt?" She said upset. She continued to stand there she looked confused like she didn't know what to do.

"Elena" I say trying to shake her out of whatever she was in. She just stood dazed, then finally came back to reality and looked at me, "I know him, we went to school together.." She continued to ramble.

'Elena." I repeated, 'We need to help him or he is going to die." I say, the words finally settling in.

"I know what to do." She says, as she ran off and came back with a shot of what I know of as vampire blood. "That not going to work. "He is just going to cough it up the bite mark seems to have punctured a lung and broken some ribs. Maybe that will help later but right now I need your help."

She nodded and came over to my side. I cleaned the injury, and then we rolled him onto his right side letting him cough blood easier into a towel.


A couple hours later we were done and Matt was stable. I took a deep breath and patted Elena on the back. I was exhausted emotionally and physically. When I checked the time it was eight, and I knew Alice, my neighbor would be pissed.

I clocked out and went home. At Alice's, I knocked on the door, and she invited me in giving me some of her leftovers for dinner. Hope came running to me with a paper in hand. Bending down I give her a big hug as she shows me the picture in her hand. She had drawn a picture of her and I and our house. "Wow that great Hope, we will have to put that one on the fridge I said her smile reaching ear to ear, as I go to tickle her she jumps up and runs over to Alice.

"I am sorry I'm late." I said to her as she leads me towards the kitchen. A plate of turkey and peas were set out for me.

"Its ok if you tell me what happened and don't skimp on the juicy details I love having the best gossip in town." She says with her Southern Belle accent. She sits down next to me at the dining room table. She is recently divorced from her very wealthy husband, and just loves to be neighbors with another "single" girl. I only say single here because Klaus and I are not together physically. She has strawberry blonde hair, freckles, and the prettiest hazel eyes. Just by looking at her you can tell that she has a southern accent.

I gave her a look reminding her I wasn't legally allowed to tell her what happened at the hospital. "The words Client confidentiality doesn't mean anything to you does it." I said with a laugh.

"Doll you know that everyone is going to know what happened by tomorrow. So why can't I just be the first to know." She said with a smile as I started to shovel spoonfuls of peas into my mouth. I was really hungry more for blood than human food but this would hold me over until I got back to my place.

"Matt Donovan, you know him?" I ask her

"Yes why thats the young man that runs around here volunteering his time to keep the peace, and us safe." She says with a concerned look.

"Well he was bit by something and It took a long time to put him back together." I said with another deep breath reliving the long hours of healing him.

Alice looked at me astonished I knew she was going to ask me a hundred more questions, but I wouldn't be able to answer them because I know what bit him, and it was definitely something supernatural. He was bit by a werewolf, and even though we put him back together, we had a big problem on our hands. A werewolf wandering around town was bad news for a vampire like me.

Loved writing this chapter, and you wont believe what happens next.

Like really a huge plot twist is headed our way.

Cant wait for you guys to read it.

Love each and every one of you guys!

And please comment I love reading what you guys think and any suggetions are allways great!

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