Failure for the mission

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Leo's point of view.

When I stop the shellraiser where our friends and sister were we got out and climbed the fire escape to meet them on the roof to get going to TCRI where the kraang had something planned. But the whole time I was think back at Donnie's face when he said he hated us. It looked like he was hurting from what we did to him when HE started all of this from the moment he wanted us to help him with his inventions. We never asked to help HE wanted it so we were allowed to ask him to do things for us in exchange since we had things that needed to be done as well!

April's point of view.

When the guys got to the roof they all looked like something went wrong before they got here "Is everything alright?" I ask as I got closer to Leo. "Yeah everything is fine right guys?" he said but I saw him glaring at Don and I know that he would never do something like that to him and that something DID happen while they were coming to meet up with us. We started to jump from one roof to the other as I looked over to Donnie at times when I had the chance to do so but it was rare with how fast they were and I needed to catch up to them.

When we got there Casey got to Donnie's side to help him pick the lock on the door to get in. Since I started dating Casey I have been pleading to him to try and get along with Donnie for me and it's been going well since then but I can see the pain and hurt from when I told him no. Sometimes I feel like something is wrong when i'm with Casey and I don't know why really but I just know. Leo told us that he, Casey and Mikey would try and distract the kraang while the rest of us would get in as they catch up to us, Raph and Miwa would cover me and Donnie when we get to whatever they were doing while making sure it doesn't work anymore.

Everything was going well so far. Leo and the other two were able to distract a large amount of kraang as we got inside, we got to the base as they caught up to us as we saw the portal ready to activate to bring in something from dimension x. Me and Donnie went to the panel while they would cover us from any danger that could harm us as we got to open the panel to see what was to be done to stop this thing. But as I asked Donnie what we had to do and he was explaining fast and simply a kraang got to us and blasted the panel making it short surcet as the portal activated and started to suck in everything in the room.

Leo and Mikey got behind a large and heavy debris as Raph got to them in time, Casey was with Karai behind another one closer to me and Don as he used the burned wires to tie us so we wouldn't get sucked in "DONNIE WHAT IS GOING ON!!" Raph yelled "THE KRAANG BLASTED THE PANEL MAKING THE PORTAL MALFONCTION!!!" he yelled back "CAN YOU DO SOMETHING!!!" Leo yelled "WHAT CAN I DO THE WIRES ARE BURNED THEY WON'T WORK EVEN IF I TRIED!!" he then yelled. But the I saw that the wires that were holding him were snapping so just before they broke I took hold of his hands to keep him here.

But a kraang blasted the wires making me not have enough time to grab his hands as he was sucked into the portal to who knows where "DONNIE!!" we yelled at him as I saw in his eyes the fear and panic from all that just happened as he fell into the portal.

Miwa's point of view.

The portal closed the second Donnie was gone and April fell to the ground with a thud, I ran to her to see if she was hurt anywhere while Raph was screaming Donnie's name and where he was. Mikey on the other hand was crying while I got to April who also was crying about Donnie, Leo was already at his brother's side while Casey came over to see how his girlfriend was doing right now about all of this. I got to Raph's side and held him down so he could calm down even just a little while the others were trying to help one another.

"Why did this happen!?!" Raph demanded "I-I don't know Raph I really don't know" I replied to him hoping he was better now before we went back to the shellraiser to get back home. We dropped Casey off first since he needed to get back to his family to tell them what had happened, his dad was really god friends with Donnie and little Angel really liked him even if she was a year younger then him. I was able to calm April down by the time we got to her place, so she went inside on her own to tell her dad. As Leo drove us back to the lair we were all silent about all of this I mean Donnie just left for another dimension and who knows which one it is really.

When we got there I was the first to get out so I went to see father while they stayed in the shellraiser for who knows what. I got to the dojo to see him looking at a group photo of all of us when I came back to them, he turned to me then "What happened?" he asked me as I came in the room "We left for TCRI since we found out they were planning something. But we didn't know what it was until we saw the portal. Donnie and April were at the panel while the rest of us covered for them, but none of us saw one of them get near them and blasted the portal making the portal activate and start sucking everything" I started to explain. They were the closest to the portal and they were using the wires to stay here, but the ones that held Donnie were blasted and he was sucked in and.... and he's gone father" I said to him.

He didn't say a thing as he just went to his room to be alone, so I left the dojo to see Leo talking on the phone with someone I didn't know while Mikey was probably in his room and Raph was hitting his punching bag. I moved for Mikey's room to see him on his bed still crying for Donnie, I decided to sit on his bed to show him I was there for him. He lifted his head to take hold of me and cried on my chest the whole time he was trying to tell me something as I rubbed his shell to help him calm down. When he was calm he was sniffling but he told me about the fight they had before they got to us making me think that maybe this was a reason for why I hear Leo or Raph yell inside the lab. I tried to tell him that everything was going to be alright but even I didn't believe myself as he fell asleep.

When I left his room I made sure that it was a little open so that he knew if he woke up that someone would be there for him. Leo was now on the couch, TV on with space heroes but he wasn't watching it. Raph was there aswell but instead he looked like he needed to hit something, so I got to his side and took them both into my arms to try and help them relax even just a little "Everything will be fine were going to find Donnie and he's going to be fine" I said to them as they held on to me like if they let me go they would lose there mind. Donnie was alive and alright I just knew it! We just need to find him and get him out of where ever he is. Right?

Mysterious person's point of view.

I was walking on the sidewalk at night not to far from my house since I had nothing to do and I was getting really bored of staying inside until I saw a flash of light come from over the park as something fell out of it. I ran to see what it was before someone else could call for the police, as I got there I saw that the something was actually someone. It was a boy no older then me maybe, he had long brown hair a few shades lighter then mine, his eyes were closed but he had some sort of staff on his back as he wore wraps on his arms, a purple mask over his eyes, a light brown V-neck t-shirt with an olive green no sleeve vest with matching pants and shoes. He looked alright but I knew that if he stayed here the police will ask questions to him when he comes to himself, taking hold of his arms I lifted him onto my back as I carried him to my place as fast as I could before the police came here to see what was going on.

I got to my house just in time since when I closed the door I could hear the sirens already, I got him to my couch where I took his mask off with the wrappings and his staff and placed them somewhere not to far from him as I then got the first aid kit to see if he was hurt anywhere. I knew that I would be a pervert if I looked under his clothes so I left it to him when he would wake up. But if I didn't what would happen if he was hurt there and besides I won't be looking if I just lift his clothes to see right? I lifted each item from one place to the other as I looked him over to see zero injuries making me feel glad about it, but as I placed the kit back where it was I realized I was getting tired, so before I went to bed I went to a closet and pulled out a purple blanket to cover him while he would be sleeping.

I made sure everything was ok before going to my room to sleep as I thought to remember that I had a male guest sleeping on my couch right now as I got to my bed to sleep after I changed into something a bit more comfterbale to sleep in. Maybe tomorrow he would wake up and we could talk sine I felt like I knew from somewhere. Or maybe it was all in my head who was playing tricks on my about this guy.

Can you guys guess who it is this mysterious person? I'll give you a hint i use this OC in all of my stories!

PAL out!

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