Mikey's nightmare's

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Mikey's point of view.

It was all my fault! Jas could be with Donnie right now but because I was with April now she can't and it's because i'm too scared to be left alone right now! She came back in my room wearing a simple white and blue long sleeve top and some light pink with dark pink and blue stars for the night making me only want to say sorry again but she told me not to because it wasn't my fault that I needed someone with me for this kind of thing. When she was done putting down her glasses next to my mask, she climbed into my bed where I was waiting making me snuggle closer to her because she pulled me to her making me gently close my eyes as I felt warm and safe with her right now "The reason why I did this was because I needed to have some light since today was two years ago the death of my mother's dads wife, my granny Claire" she said (actually it was yesterday before that but you get it right!)

My eyes widen at the secret she told me. Her granny was dead and she wanted someone there for her "Do you have something of her's or anything with her on it?" I asked as she then stood up and walked out of the room to come back later on with a candle in some kind of vase, a lighter and a silver swan. She placed them on my night stand before lighting the candle making me see her granny's face: short flat golden hair, peach beige skin with hazel eyes I turned to Jas as she was crying making me gasp and hold her in my arms "Not even Donnie knows because even if it has been some time since he knew my family I didn't want him to be in pain or sad" she said to me between sobs. I decided to get up and take the candle making her gasp and follow me while trying to take it from me making the others come in to see what were doing "Mikey please give it back!" she pleaded as I ran into the dojo and placed it with father's old human pictures making the others come and look at this.

"Jas?" Donnie asked as he and the others got closer to the candle, April had been forced by Casey to come back to the lair to apologize to me only to see us in the dojo making her get a closer look to the candle with a smirk "HA! I bet she's hiding even more stupid things like that just to make you like more so she can stay here!" she said with a smile making me turn as I heard a sniffle making the others look at Jas as she was crying before I could even grab her hand she had run out of the lair only to make us run after her as she was killed by a fall she had taken.

"NO!" I yell as I sprung up from my bed to see the candle and swan on my night stand and Jas sleeping next to me making me sigh before feeling something warm and sticky to see she had my kusarigama blade piercing her heart killing her in an instant which made me scream as I cried before feeling someone shaking me to wake up, my eyes snap open as it was Jas who was doing it making me cry in her arms the whole time she rubbed my shell in a soothing matter making me fall asleep in her arms in seconds.

My point of view.

When I came back with the swan and candle Mikey had fallen asleep, Donnie was the only one who knew about the deaths I had to face and was by my side the whole time so when he woke to me taking them he simply gave me the lighter for the candle before bringing it back to him to see Mikey screaming and crying in his sleep when I came back making me wake him up and hold him as he fell asleep in my arms making me wonder how bad he must have these nightmare's most of the time for him to need someone with him at night for this kind of thing before gently closing my eyes to sleep winning me over right now.

I wake up to someone rubbing my right cheek to see Donnie holding me gently in his lap as we were on Mikey's bed without him "He woke up and saw you making him text me to come and watch you while he makes breakfast for all of us" he explained before I yawn out to him as he helps me to stand up and walk out of the room while telling him what happened last night making him rub his chin while carrying the candle and me the swan in our hands as we walk over to the kitchen where the others with April and Casey were waiting for us to come over right now making them then look at the candle with sad faces but April since she hates me still for some reason other then her hating me for dating Donnie and not her.

"Sorry for your losses Jas" Leo said as he and the others but April bowed there heads down as Donnie placed the candle on the table to light it before they all closed there eyes while Donnie took my hand to do the same as I had no idea what was going on until I simply felt lighter right now but then all of a sudden I heard something braking and pain shot in my shoulder making me scream as we all open our eyes as April broke my candle and tried stabbing me making them all try to protect me as tears fell down my face because the only item with my granny's face on it was now gone and never to be regained again.

All because of Her.

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