Not without a fight!

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Finally! I'm going to have Donnie for only myself and nothing would stop me from getting him! Not even Casey knows about this as my plan to leave him for Donnie is still in planning right now until SHE'S out of the picture! I walk closer to Jas as she looked at me with no emotions right now which was weird to me right now but I simply ignore it as she was making me smile at how fun it was going to be now with us all alone in a sewer tunnel, with no one around to hear her or anything as I end her so i can be with my true love with her out of the picture and that i'm finally going to win Donnie back for myself!

"Stop this April, he likes me so just walk away from this while you still can" she said making me snarl at her as she was trying to make me stop when i'm so close at my goal right now "SHUT UP!!! You can't make me stop when i'm this close to what I want right now!" I said to her as I wore Miwa's old suit when she was still with Shredder as he told her that master Splinter took her mother away while I pulled out my tessen before running at her before I try to stab her which made me growl when she dodged my attack. This was how it went for a few minutes making me get mad as sooner or later the others would notice that were gone and will come looking for us soon making me start attacking even more as fast as I can to finish this right now, she looked at me with pleading eyes as she hoped I would stop this before I go too far into this making me snarl once again as I wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"APRIL!!!" I heard Donnie scream making me turn to see him and the others with wide eyes right at the exact sewer entrance that I came from watching me as I try to end Jasmine, but that was a horrible mistake from my end as she makes me trip and then holds my right arm, twisting it before flipping me over her shoulders like it was nothing. I was about to stand up but Leo placed his katana blade to my throat making me gasp at his action "What the heck Leo!?" I exclaimed as I look to the others hoping they would help me out but they only glared at me while Don held Jasmine into his arms in a protective position, my eyes then landed on my dad as he came over and picked me up "I will take care of it from here, as you wont hear from her anytime soon until she get's better from this mad state she's in right now" he said making my eyes widen as he walks away from them while they walk the other way.

I scream to them as I call mostly for Don and Casey for help but none of them turned to look at me once, only Jasmine once before darkness took her away as her lips moved to give me a message making me cry as she did the same while her words rung in my mind the whole time my dad took me somewhere for me to get some help.

"I'm so sorry April"

Donnie's point of view.

We walk in silence the whole way back to the lair, Casey went back home with Miwa and Jim for the night while his little sister LOVES it when she comes over, sensei went to his room to meditate while my brothers and her friends went there own ways for the rest of the day while I took Jas to our room to rest as I could see that she was stressed and about to collapse from all of this coming on her so suddenly. Her dad had left just before we noticed they were both gone making me need to hurry to find her before April got to her or anything, once inside I brought her tot he edge of the bed and made her sit there as I went to get a few things from the lab, kitchen and bathroom before walking back inside of the room to take care of her from all of this as she did land a few times on the ground making her dirty which made me feel bad as I wasn't able to get there in time.

I took her clothes off gently as I got the mild warm water to clean her skin before getting to wear her pink silk top and white pants for the time being as she needs to rest, I then went to comb her hair gently as she needed as I don't want her to have a negative reaction right now "Everything's going to be alright now Jas. So don't worry about it anymore" I said as she dosen't even react to my words right now making me worry about her condition right now as I place her to bed right now to let her rest as it didn't take much before she feel asleep simply by making her head touch the pillow.

I walked out of the room just as the others came over to me "She isn't reacting to anything right now making me understand that something must have happened when she was with April not long ago" I explained making the others nod to my words before we all sat down to talk more about what might have happened during her fight with April. It didn't take long before we got to making dinner for us as I kept looking back to my bedroom door feeling like something is missing right now from all of this "Don't worry Don" Leo said as he places his hand over my shoulder "Everything is going to be alright" he said making me nod as we got to work on dinner.

When we were all done, I took some of it onto a tray and brought it to our room so as to let Jas eat some before getting some more rest right now, but as I open the door I see her whimpering and crying in bed as she moves around in fear of a nightmare making me quickly place the tray down before going over to her to wake her up as she mumbles April's name over and over again making me realise that she must have traumatised her. I felt guilt as I wasn't able to save her in time making me pick her up and into my arms to help her calm down for now before giving her the food I brought for her to eat right now as I now knew that I had to protect her from April if this ever happens again to her.

At all cost.

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