Want him for myself

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April's point of view.

I'm getting tired of that stupid Jasmine chick I mean yes i'm dating Casey but still! I should be dating him and not her since I've known him way longer then her since I meet him since the first time he came to the surface and rescued me from the Kraang so I should be dating him as he is my hero really right? I was at work in the channel 6 news building taking care of a new story to tell while also finishing the one i'm doing today for my boss which Casey hated since she always got mad about something and he believed she would get mad at me someday making me simply sigh at him when i'm about to leave for work.

Anyway! It's been a week since she and her friends moved into the lair and I just want her gone right now so I can leave Casey and go to Donnie but how can I when she's always with him for all kinds of things! If he's working on an invention she helps him by giving him the tool he describes to her, when he's on the computer she right there SLEEPING!!! And all kinds of other things and I just want to barf from watching them together. My boss came over just as I was done and ready to let her read it as I turned in for the night as it was now late so I could now go to the lair to see how everyone was right now making me think of a reason to be with Donnie this time without Jas there with us making me smirk as an idea popped up into my mind as I got closer to the lair making me wonder how Donnie would react to it and as I hope that Jas would come in later on to my plan making me smirk even more only to hide as I got closer.

But as I enter his lab I see him talking to her next to his computer as it wasn't even turned on yet making me try to get his attention away from her but he was so into the conversation that he didn't even turn to look at me, I did my best to make him look over to me while I got closer but still nothing! So with a grunt I walked out of the lab and got to work on a few papers I had to complete for tomorrow without his help. As I was still working on it Mikey decided to come over and plop himself on the couch making me bounce lightly but I went straight to work while ignoring him the whole time I was almost done as started talking to me but I simply ignored him which made him tap me all over which was making me get mad at him from it.

"SHUT UP MIKEY!!" I yelled making him whimper from my tone of voice which made Jasmine come out of the lab "What happened I heard yelling?" she asked making me gag in my head just now because of how she was acting right now "April y-yelled at ME!!!" he cried out as he ran over to her making her gasp with wide eyes as she then turned to look at me while Mikey was hoping to gain a hug to be comforted with which she did as she gently rubbed his shell making me gain a wicked smile as I then screamed 'bloody murder' making everyone come in the room with confusion on there faces.

"Jasmine is cheating with Mikey!" I said with fake tears making there eyes widen "But s-she told me not to tell or else she w-would say that I w-was cheating w-with Donnie!" I exclaimed as I covered my face for a few seconds while sobbing but heard no yelling or fighting making me look up to see them all glaring at me "Jas would never cheat on me April" Donnie said with anger written all over his face "Besides I had cameras set up all around the lair and saw what happened" he then said making them all glare at me as I couldn't believe that none of them were trying to help me with this! Anger rising in my body I closed my laptop and ran out to the entrance of the lair before turning to yell "DONNIE WILL BE MINE JASMINE FOR I LIKED HIM WAY BEFORE YOU EVER DID!!" before leaving them and going back home.

My point of view.

After she left Mikey clung even more to me as he was now scared of her simply making think the same before looking at them "I think i'm going to stay with him for a while in case he get's nightmares from this" I said as master Splinter agreed with me before I walked Mikey to his room as I knew where it was before getting him to bed after helping him with his gear "'m sorry" he mutters out to me as I looked at him confused from what he just said to me "I mean you could be with Donnie tonight but now your stuck with me until I get better" he explained making me look at him with a sad smile "Mikey" I said before taking his face into my hands "To me your like my little sister Angelica. She's always in need of me and right now my 'little brother' needs me for a few nights and i'm going to be there for him" I said making him cry as he hugs me before I got us under the covers to sleep for now making me smile and hug him more as I saw Don poke his head into the room to check on us for me to give him a thumbs up before he smiled, nodded and closed the door to let me be alone with the little one for now like he needed.

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