Fix me

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Leo's point of view.

It worried me that Donnie hadn't come out of the room even when it was time for movie night for us right now, I decided to go over to check on him only to have him walk out with Jas close to his side making me see her eyes slightly but it was enough to see her condition right now that April placed her in because of what she wanted that made her go berserk just to get it right now.

It worried me that Donnie hadn't come out of the room even when it was time for movie night for us right now, I decided to go over to check on him only to have him walk out with Jas close to his side making me see her eyes slightly but it was enou...

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There was nothing in them making me see that she was broken right now and it was up to us to help her, and I was going to help as she was my sister in law soon and I liked her quiet like a sister "Don. Is she alright?" I asked him as we walked over to the couch to make Jas sit there so she could watch some TV while we talk in the kitchen. He looked worried as he sat down making me and the others look at him with a face saying to take his time "She had a nightmare about April, she couldn't wake up at all no matter how much I was shaking her to get her to awaken from it right now" he explained making me look over to Jas as she was barely looking at the show that was on.

I wanted her to get better but we had to let her take her time right now so it was all up to her right now to get better "Alright so let's just let her know that were here for her no matter what, we do need to make a schedule so that we can each have a turn with her to watch her every day as by the end of the week sensei checks her to see how she's doing before getting ready for the next week" I explained to them making them all nod with sensei before Donnie got a calendar and some markers of our colours so we can write each of the time we each get.

We got to work on it as I noticed that Raph was looking over to Jas making me wonder what he was thinking of right now most of the time as we were making sure we each had a turn every day for the week right now as on sunday while she's with sensei we would plan next week. I wanted to try and meditate with her when it's my turn, when we were done I stood up and went over to Jas to see if she was able to talk right now "Are you hungry Jas?" I asked her as she simply stares at the TV right now making me worry that she couldn't talk right now due to her mental state right now.

"Donnie, can she talk?" I asked him as he was making sure we each had an equal amount of time before looking over to me "Well, i'm not sure really. I guess it would depend on her state of mind right now and that might just help us know how far she's in the dark right now" he explained to me making me nod simply before walking the kitchen to get a glass of water right now. I sat next to her on the couch and was just about to take a sip of it until I saw her looking at it making me simply stare at her before slowly moving the glass to her hands, she slowly looked at me before looking back to the glass making me wonder if she was going to take it right now and drink it but nothing yet from her making me wonder simply that she wasn't going to react to it at all right now.

But then her hands moved to try and take it making me keep on holding it until she had a strong grip as she tried to move it to her lips making me smile as she took small and slow sips of the water, it was good to see her moving without someone walking with her to get somewhere or to do something since she isn't a puppet to be manipulated "I'll get you something to eat" I said as I got up after setting the glass on the coffee table. I took only three steps away from her before turning around to see her starring at me with her empty dark brown eyes making me think about it for a second and stretching my hand out to her "Want to come?" I asked making her slowly but surely stand and take my hand to get to the kitchen where I would make something simple for her to eat right now.

I started looking at what we had left while thinking of what I should make for her right now to eat but with what we had right now I had nothing to make for her, all of a sudden a beige arm reached for a few things making me turn to see Jas but my eyes looked into her's and I think I saw a small glimmer of her old self in them as she moved away from me to get to cooking. I watched her move around slowly and delicate hands as she worked around with the food she pulled out, bread, pizza sauce, a bag of shredded chesse and peperoni as it made me wonder what she could make with all of that right now but instead I watched her work on starting the oven, spreading the sauce on some slices of bread, placing the peperoni and cheese before getting them on a tray to put into the oven. (there mini pizza's there better with hamburger buns but still pretty good!)

I looked up to see Donnie peeking from his lab with a large grin on his face making me smile back to him about Jas doing something on her own right now, but his face changed making me look at her as she stared at something I couldn't see from where I was standing right now so I walked over to see a knife there making me wonder what she was thinking of right now to look at it. Just when I was going to touch her shoulder to gently move her away so I could put the knife away, she falls to her knees making me panic as Donnie comes over to help me out with this, I had no idea at what was going on right now to make her react like that as we didn't see any marks on her body when we came back to the lair and Don never spoke to us saying she was hurt anywhere when he came to update us on her condition.

"Something must have happened for her to react like that! Let's take her to my lab so I can take a look at her!" my little brother said as I lift her gently into my arms and carried her to his lab so he can examine her for what was wrong as even I was worried that she sick or even poisoned right now from something April might have done to her "Do you think she injected with something?" I asked my brother as he shakes his head no "I didn't see any where on her body something that would say she was injected with something and there were no cuts anywhere on her making me think that she must have seen something April use during the fight and it caused her to see it again or.....or" he was thinking of something else that could be wrong with her but he was stuck on it and it made me wonder as I look at her sleeping on the cot on what could be wrong with her.

Hey guys! I just want to thank you all for reading my story so far, I may be being a little bossy but I really want a comment or two on all of my stories so I know what you think of it and I can try to make the future chapters better. Also two things in the next chapter we will be inside my mind as we get to know what she thinks since the fight with April and next i'm thinking of making a version of the Hunger games that comes after the third book, i'm still reading the second one but once it's done I will look into my comments on the idea I posted for you my followers and then post about it in the next chapter of a story i'm doing as I read about it!

PAL out!

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