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My eyes slowly open up making them need to adjust to the bright light around me, realisation hit me and I knew that something was wrong around me right now and I needed to find out what it was and fast before something bad happened to the others, just when I was about to push myself up with my hands I discover that I can't feel them nor my whole body making me wonder on what could be happening to me to be like this. It was then that I saw Donnie by my side almost his whole upper body was on me, I smiled at him as he was sleeping right now and I just enjoyed the face he makes when he's sleeping, just knowing he was there with me makes me feel warm right now as the sound of the lab door opening makes me look up to see Leo there with a tray in hand "Thought you were awake" he said simply to me "What happened?" I asked making his face look down and away from my gaze right now.

"Your mind shut down when we got to you as April fought you, by the time Donnie took you to your room you were empty and needed to be guided all the time for anything and everything" he explained making me feel bad about myself before he looked at me with a small smile "But to our luck you weren't that far gone because you looked at me when I had a glass of water and drank from it and you also went to make these mini pizza's for us. But then you stared at a knife and fainted, me and Donnie panicked about it but found out it was because April's tessen is like a knife, but Raph decided to take advantage of your state to make you think you were dating him making the rest of us help you to come back. That was a week ago and were glad that your better now" he said making me nod back to him. I never thought it would have been a whole week inside my mind to pass for I thought it was years "But I told Raph I was with Donnie when I first meet him and he came to apologize" I explained as Leo placed the tray down before examining me, checking my pulse and heart rate mostly before touching each of my limbs until his stare turned into a slight glare before looking at me.

""You don't feel this?" he asked making me shake my head "No, I can't even sit up" I replied making him nod before going back to what he was doing right now, all of a sudden Mikey comes in while Leo kept his eyes on what he was doing right now "Hey Mikey" I said making him run to my side with worry all over his face from me not sitting up right now. I had no idea what Leo was doing right now so I simply watched Mikey try to move Donnie off of me while talking to me about how worried he was about me "I went into the lab to check on you, the sound of Raph's voice made me listen to him as he cradled you in his arms as you slept as he lied to you saying he meet you and not Donnie" he would say to me making me understand so much while I was out back then, right when Mikey had gently lifted Donnie off of me he woke up to see me awake as I stared at him, he simply stood up on his own before turning to Leo who was now starring at his brother "How is she?" he asked his brother who then both walked out of the lab leaving me with Mikey to talk together.

We stayed like that until Mikey decided to secretly walk out of the lab to listen in on his two big brother's conversation right now making me wonder if he would get caught from it at any moment, I waited on my own until the lab door opened to let in Raph making me feel fear from him being here right now, he smiled at me with joy as he came closer to me "I got worried you wouldn't wake up but i'm glad your alright my dear" he said making me then call try to call out to Mikey but I was only able to yell Mike until Raph covered my mouth and placed the tip of his sai to my throat making me panic. It made no sense on what made him act like this right now but I knew he blinded that I was in love with him right now, he climbed slowly on top of me while moving himself as to straddle me "You call for anyone and I will cut your tongue off" he said as he kept the tip of the sai in place making me fear him even more from what he was about to do to me right now, but to my joy Mikey had come in from my call "GET OFF OF HER!!" he yelled making Raph growl and jump off of me to attack his own brother.

Just when he was about to stab him Leo blocked the attack while Don got to my side with his staff ready to protect me from harm of him "Did he harm you?" he asked with worry making me shake my head no as I was unable to trust my voice right now to speak to him about what he had done to me right now, just knowing he was near me made me feel at ease from anything and everything around me as I then watch Leo and Mikey pinning Raph to the ground before taking him out of the room making me wonder what would happen next to him "You went into shook from a knife and I guess it caused your body to shut down for a while" he explained before taking me into his arms as I see Leo and Mikey taking Raph somewhere else in the lair. He brought me to our room making me wonder why he was doing so right now, was it to talk to me about all of this or was it to let me rest somewhere I would be safe from his brother?

I was brought back when I felt my head on a pillow making me look at him as his red/brown eyes stared at me with such comfort right now that I smiled back to him before he leans in to kiss me, gosh had I missed feeling them on my own for it felt like strangers to me right now, but it did not matter to me for I only wanted him close to me right now from all of this. Looking at him I realised that he looked strained like he had yet to get some sleep in some time now "Donnie, did you stay awake during the whole week I was out?" I asked him and got a nod from him to my question making my eyes widen from the surprise he had given me just now from his words, it makes me wonder what else would make him stay awake for long amounts of time until he goes to sleep from it all "Don't worry, i'm just going to massage you body to help them wake up and move again and then I will go to bed with you" he said making me nod before closing my eyes to get some more sleep.

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