Girl from my dreams

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So since this is my first story here I guess it would be for the best to tell you all that i'm the mysterious person in the story. Yeah guess I should of thought about that before I started sorry!

Donnie's point of view.

When I woke up I felt warm and comfy while having no idea of where I was right now. As I stood up I found a mirror and decided to look at myself for any injuries.

But as I look I only see a boy around my age and height, he had long light brown hair, red eyes, he wore some really weird clothe but my sight was blurry and when I lifted my hands he did the same!

I was shocked to see that I had turned human! I turned my head to see a girl maybe older them I am, with short dark brown hair with some blonde wicks, brown eyes as she wore purple and pink glasses and wore a purple top bottom pajama with the words 'Ninja girl' with an actual ninja girl under it.

"Good your awake!" she exclaimed as I felt like I heard her voice before "I wasn't sure if you would wake this morning since you fell from that weird light in the sky last night" she explained as my eyes widen.

"Wait I fell from the portal!?!" I said as she looked like something was odd to her "And you found me?" I then asked as she walked over to me "Yeah I was just passing by when you fell really. Still why do I fell like I heard your voice before?" she said.

I was surprised at her question but after thinking I understood who she was "Your the girl I've been speaking in my dreams!" I exclaimed to her "Anyways i'm Donatello Hamato but I like to be called Donnie or Don for short" I said to her.

"I'm Jasmine Lessard and have nothing for short" she said to me as she smiled a pure smile to me making me feel whole for once.

My point of view.

As me and Donnie spoke he told me so much about his dimension in our dreams that I knew everything about him already so instead I was making sure he was actually alive by making him every papers needed as he told me everything that I needed to write.

"And done! Now here are the cards you need to make it real that you exist here and next I'll take you to my drivers teacher so you can get your driver license" I told him as I gave him every cards I made for him thanks to the machine I was given to do so without being arrested as I closed my laptop.

I also got him a wallet from the store on the block that he liked, it was black with a purple eagle on it and he placed each cards inside making sure that all of them were placed inside and that there weren't one missing.

I then stood up and guided him to a closet in the guest room I had, I opened it to let him see the clothes inside "Before my cosin would come over for a few nights here but he leaves the clothes he had here often so when he comes back I make see if they fit before I donate them. Since he hasn't come here some time now you can put some on before we go to get you some glasses since I think you can't see very well?" I explained to him as he nodded before I closed the door behind myself to let him change into something more from around here.

When he came out about two hours later he was wearing gray jeans with black and purple sneakers and a black t-shirt with in purple 'A genius isn't always the one wearing glasses' before we left my place to get him some glasses to see better.

We got to my black Micra where I would drive him until he got both some glasses and his licenses making me the driver for now.

As we got to the Newlook store I told him that it was going to a sight test first then they find what strength should they be so he could see then it would be choosing his glasses.

Bounded by the red strings of loveWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt