Katrinna Ruby

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As the giant octopus starts to swing it's tentacles at us we got to work on running towards it as fast as we could to fight it and destroy it so we could get back to the others, we started be freezing the water it was in so it would no long be able to move before getting on it to fight "Freezing touch!" Nova yelled as she touches the water making it freeze "Twinkle bounce!" Kat yells as she makes a start appear making me and Mila bounce on it before being thrown into the air "Blazing wings!" Mila said as she made fire wings appear on my back as I fly higher then the others to do my special move.

my skirt lifts up so that the symbol of the sun can appear as a horn and wings appear on me before I fly higher into the sky where the sun shines "Precure!" I started as an rainbow mainded alicorn appears behind me while I raise my hands into the air "Rainbow" a ball of multicolor start to grow little by little "Sun blast!" I aim my hands at the octopus and blast a rainbow beam at it destroying it all together. As I fly back down to the others the girls had changed back to there normal form while Kat stared at Mila "What?" she asked as Kat pulls the wig off to show her short black hair with purple in the front making her gasp and chase after her as me and Nova laugh about it the whole time "Sis!" Angel said as she ran towards me "That was amazing can you teach me to transform like that?" she asked me making me look at Nova who bent down towards her "Sweety, Jas can't teach you any of this because your too young right now, your going to need to wait and besides you might not become an equestria precure" she said making my little sister talk under her breath as she walked away with Jim and Mila's brothers not too far from her.

We walked back inside to talk about what they had just seen right now and I let Nova explain since she was better with this kind of thing really and not me, she told them about how we got these powers and why we use them like this making them ask even more questions which Mila took care of for us no problem while Kat showed them a few things we could all do no problem. Katrinna Ruby was a girl with long blonde hair that was mostly in pigtails while her aqua blue eyes shine everywhere she looks while her tanned skin unlike Mila's who was black looked almost like caramel, she was born in a family of models making her one too, she's also an actor and violinist that wins all competition in music making her the top best player "So you four transform together?" Leo asked as he was still confused about all of this "Yes but we can also transform on our own the only thing that's different is that we say something else after we transform" I said as Kat nodded to what I said to them.

She then got up and started to stretch a little before walking out making look at her before getting up myself to see how she was, I got outside to see her crying! This was a first "Kitty! What happened?" I asked her as I sat down with her on the sand "M-my p-parents are getting a d-divorce. B-but neither of them w-wants me! M-my called me d-death weight and my d-dad s-said I was a w-worthless piece of s-shit" she said as she sobs into my arms making me hold her tightly. Her parents were always nice to her and us when we came over to sleepover or just to hang out and they never insulted her like that! My eyes started to change from brown to pink and normal to cat shaped before I let her go and run off as she yells my name before I transform into a cheetah to find those two pieces of crap and give them a piece of my animal mind!

I found there sent as I was hidden from the naked eye before moving around to where they were living right now, I saw them yelling about who should keep Kat and all the insults they were saying about her made my blood turn cold, I jumped inside making her mother scream in terror before I changed back to my human form until I grabbed Kat's dad by the throat making him gasp for air "I heard what you said about Kat and I don't like it, so what your both gonna do is sign a paper saying that your daughter is coming with me and your giving her from the both of you 50% of the money you both have in your accounts. And if you don't I will make sure that when the cops come to find you dead, it would look like a suicide" I said before turning back into a cheetah and left them as they took care of the papers.

Once I got back I started to turn back into my human form as my head started to buzz making me feel it getting worse as I got back, it wasn't long before I had to sit down and wit for it to end as Kat ran over to me with a worried look on her face "How bad is it?" she asked in a whisper making me pull out both hands to bring out 7 fingers from how bad it was making her start to lift me up "Let's get you at the stairs and I will take care of it" she said as I nodded slowly as to not make the pain worse then before. Once there she sat me down before getting inside leaving me out here and wait for her to come back with something, when she did it was with a wet rag and some small pills "The others asked and I told Nova and Mila so there explaining it to them right now" she said as I swallowed the pills and sigh as she uses the rag on my forehead right now, but something felt odd to me and it made me look around as I then tried to get up and look around "Jas?" was what I heard until a triangular portal appeared and grabbed me to pull me in, Kat called for the others but weird bullets were being shot at her as I was pulled in, the portal closed and I slipped into unconsciousness.

Great! The kraang have me now and we haven't spoken about Nova yet! Well guess it's up to the others to do it right now! Let's just hope nothing bad happens to me as they come for me.

PAL out!

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