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Donnie's point of view.

Inside our room I held close to my chest my sobbing fiance as she was having a hard time understanding that her little sister, her only sibling she ever had, the only person she could call parent related to her was now taken away by some weird people and we had no idea where to look for her right now as it was maybe impossible to do from where we are right now "Shhhh..... Jas calm down, we WILL make sure that we find her" I say to her as she calmed down a little so far right now making me try rubbing her back to help her know that I was here for her. I could only do so much to sooth her from this that I was out of ideas to help her and to my luck Mikey came in to help out "Leo want's to talk to you and the others, me and Kat can help her calm down right now" he said just as Kat popped her head in the room making me nod as I move her so that Kat could hold her in her arms right now, I walked out to see him and everyone but her family at the dining table with even Raph right now as they were only waiting for me right now "What's her condition?" Leo asked as I sat down when he handed me some coffee "She's calmed down slightly but enough to say she's alright or anything" I said simply right now making him nod "Well with Mikey and Kat volunteering to aid her we will start a meeting about her missing sister and since you and Jimmy knew her the longest with Nova and Mila here you will need to tell us as much as you know that would help us understand all this" he then said as I turned to Jassie's cousin and her two other friends.

"Angel was always inspired by Jas, to say the most whatever Jas did she would do the same thing so it must be something that she does that caused her to get captured" Mila said making us all nod "That won't help much Mila since Jas and Angel hadn't seen each other for some time and she dosen't go much outside meaning she must have gone outside because she was allowed to do so" Jimmy said making much more sense to me about all of this right now "Maybe they went over to the door and she answered it, asked her to come outside but as someone she knew before capturing her" Nova said but something wasn't right in all that right now.

"No" all eyes turned to me at the word I spoke "Explain Donatello" father say making me nod "I think that it must be because, like Mila said Jas must have done something that Angel couldn't do" I say before snapping my fingers "Her precure transformation! Angel wanted to know how she could do it but she can't due to being to young! They must have gone to her home and told her they could help her with that if she went with them" I explained making there eyes widen as the pieces came together "So she was jealous of her own big sister just because she could do something she couldn't for now" Mila said making me nod to her. Our meeting kept going for about an hour before Leo said it was over for the day and we would continue it tomorrow at the same time as today making our guests leave while I was making Jas something to drink right now "Hey" I turned to see Raph there "If this is about Jas being your fiance or something then move on! I'm marrying her so stop making things up!" I say but he simply shook his head "No, she came in my room to tell me to stop this since she was always with you so I just wanted to say sorry to you. When she's ready to talk to me I would like to apologize to her aswell" he said making me nod before he nods back to me and then walks away to his room making me wonder if his talk with sensei helped him.

When I got to our room Mikey and Kat were walking out, they told me that they were able to make her eat what they brought for her and was now sleeping in bed making me thank them before walking inside where she slept on the bed which made me sit in the shrivel chair we had in the room to take notes of a few things right now making me wonder what she was thinking right now about all of this as even I don't know if it was all going to be alright now from all of this right now. When I was done with writing I went to bed with her and snuggled her back to me chest as I tried to connect my mind with her own right now to let her know that I was there for her when ever she needed it making me feel her snuggle closer to me which I was happy for as I slept with her like we always done before, I woke up at around 6:30 to no Jas making me get up to search for her right now but I heard Raph's muffled voice in the dojo making me understand he was talking to someone there making me go to the kitchen where Jas walked into from going to the bathroom as she was drying her hair right now making kiss her cheek.

"Slept alright?" I asked as she nodded simply making me smile at her but she didn't say anything but I didn't mind as it was alright for me right now, the others came in as we sat down making Mikey make breakfast with Kat before Jas leaned into my ear "Mikey should date Kat. They look good together" she whispered making me nod in agreement making the others confused at what we were talking about right now making me laugh at them as Mikey and Kat served us one at a time right now, Raph was looking at times towards Jas making me wonder what he wanted right now but I simply let it slide as it was for sure that he hadn't spoken to her about anything from the night before making me wonder if she was ready to talk to him right now. She was the first done as I take her dishes with my own to the sink before she went to our room mostly to get dressed right now as I could smell the faint sent of shampoo in her hair right now "I'll be in my lab if she's looking for me" I say before walking to my lab to get some experiments taken care of right now like I wanted to make them as I hadn't done any since me and Jas had been together here and when she brought me to eat so I have so much to do right now, I was still working on something on my computer when my lab door opened letting in someone making me wonder who it was "Don what are you doing?" Leo asked as he leaned in closer to see the screen "I'm just working on a few computer plans for our phones and make you each your own laptop" I said making him nod to me before walking out saying to take a brake so we could do some training making me do as he asked me.

In total training lasted two hours so we had no more training for the day making me simply need to get ready for tonight's patrol, Jas went back to our room making me wonder what she was doing in there this time as she was wearing the lavender sun dress I got her so for her to go back in there when she was dressed made me go over to see how she was doing right now with all of this "Don, were having another meeting in ten minutes, help us set everything up since Kat and Mikey are joining us today" Leo said making me glance one last time towards our door before going to help him set it all up as they were coming for the meeting right now. Leo decided that for the meeting we would be talking about the figure who came to speak to Jas about the news as even I had no idea who he was right now so talking about it might just help us a little know more about Angelica's location right now and how she had been gone right now, but it hadn't gone so well for we only knew he was tall and had a deep voice since it was all we could see from him so Leo simply went to call Jasmine's dad so we could be told that she had been missing since three days ago making me surprised at this.

But now where could she be?

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