Family meeting

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Raph's point of view.

It's been five days now since Donnie went missing and as even now time goes by and soon it will be a week with no Donnie.

Leatherhead and Rockwell have been helping us with the rest of the mighty mutanimals to go to the kraang facility and try to find something out about where Donnie was.

As we get going my bros and I have changed, Leo right now as we go in stays silent since when Donnie left he's been mute and refuses to talk to us anymore like Mikey doesn't smile anymore making me need to act like the leader.

As we head inside we go strait to where we were when Donnie was taken from us while Leatherhead and Rockwell goes to the computer to try and figure this out.

When the kraang came in we were already gone for he had what we wanted but it needs time before we could get going to where he was and right now I worked.

Since Don wasn't here to help us with what we brake and stuff so I went to learn how he does it all and I was able to take care of actually everyone of our rides.

It was then that I understood how Donnie feels when we make him do so much for us when all he asks is a little brake and stuff.

I feel bad for all that we do and right now I just want to get him back so things can go back to normal! Mikey came in the garage we found was over the lair and were able to make an elevator to go up and back to the lair.

He doesn't smile like always and right now as I turn to look at the time it was now a week since he was gone and it made me feel like I was breaking!

I just hope Donnie's doing fine right now.

Donnie's point of view with time skip.

It was today that I was going to meet Jasmine's family and I was getting nervous but also I keep on thinking at how I haven't told her about me being a mutant in my dimension.

She was driving like always since even if I was good at it she wanted it to be her for now and when we leave then I could drive.

Jasmine made me wear my new white and violet buttoned vest with my with jeans and simple brown shoes, I made it so my hair was tied in the back in a pony tail while she wore a long pink dress with simple black ballet shoes.

As she drove I took a look at the scenery making mental notes of it for it would be maybe the last time I see it as a human.

I then felt a hand take hold of mine and turned to see Jasmine looking in front of her "Everything will be fine so don't worry" she smiled while not looking at me.

I relaxed after words since she was right everything will be fine and nothing would make this day bad for me or her.

She turned on the radio as it played a song called cheerleader by OMI which she told me was a good song to her taste.

I never knew much about her taste in things but now I think I know much more of it then anyone could.

When we got there I saw a boy around her age with short brown hair like Jas but with blue green eyes, he wore a simple red t-shirt saying 'I have a knife so don't come close' in black with black shorts and black and red sneakers.

"Jim!" she exclaimed as Jimmy Maranda her cosin walked up to us as we walked into the back yard that was owned by her aunt Danielle who from what she told me was very loving and nice.

For the past three hours I spoke to her family who were all very nice even her parents who I told them everything about myself even that I was a mutant and they believed me! They said to not talk back to Jas when she made up her mind if she decided to come back with me and I never wanted to.

It was so much fun that when it was time for us to leave she had to pull me to the drivers seat since I wanted to stay longer making them all laugh at me.

"So did you have fun?" she asked as she placed in the back seat the Avon gift bags we got from her aunt Danielle.

I simply nodded to her as I then told her everything I did which she listened even at times she asked me a question about something I did.

When we got back she went first to take a shower while I started to get undressed because I was getting hot from the heat right now.

When she came out almost an hour later I then went in to take a quick shower before I went to my bed like she was going to do since it was late right now.

As I got out I made sure to wear my black and purple flamed pajama pants as I went to the living room to see her hair dry but her sleeping on the couch while I still had my towel on my head.

I chuckled at how cute she was before I picked her up bridal style straight to her room and placed her in her bed to sleep in.

I never thought that I would like someone after April but I was wrong in so many ways that I was actually staring at the girl I liked who was sleeping like nothing could wake her up in her bed.

When I left I went to dry my own hair before turning off the TV and went to my room to get some sleep as I realized that with no inventions or my two older brothers to bug me with a million and one things to fix I could actually get some sleep!

Man do I love that kraang portal that had sucked me in right now.

There it is folks Donnie likes this new dimension while back home things have changed with him gone. Will they get better? Will Raph and the others find Donnie? Will Donnie ever tell myself that he is a mutant? Will he decide to go back home?

Find that out in maybe the next chapter or the one after that!

PAL out!

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