Hawaii vacation got crowded

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When I woke up I this morning in bed I could hear Donnie doing his morning practice that he did when he didn't need to work, as I get up I hear voices and decided to look out the window to see Don almost yelling at a group of people where four of them looked like April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Hamato Miwa or Karai and the human form of Hamato Yoshi.

There were two that were yelling at him, one had spiky black and red hair, he wore the same Don wore when I found him like two more that were at his side but it was emerald green and a dark tan skin, while the other one was taller, had darker skin and wore a black jacket with spikes, had spiky black hair. There was one that was clueless about any of this as he was looking around he had silver hair and wore just gray clothe.

Another one wore a lab coat and looked like he was starring at the head of the others, one was crying as he had curly blonde hair, freckles and also like the other one but sea green while the one near him had forest green, and short black hair with bangs and the last one wore mostly leather, his hair was mostly shaved but black like his skin but less dark.

I had no idea what they were talking about but I think that the girl that looked April was looking at where I was making me close the curtain, put on my silk light pink robe and walked down stairs to see better what was going on.

When I got out on the balcony I could hear them clearly "What do you mean you don't want to come back Don!?" the forest green one demanded "I mean i'm happy here and i'm sick of you telling me what to do!" Donnie replied.

They all started to yell at one another more and more and I listened to them the whole time since I got there and I just wanted them to stop right now and so it doesn't get worse. I decided to walk down the stairs as they never even turned over to me even for a split second.

"Am I missing something?" I asked as they all turned to me as I spoke "Jas" Donnie said as the others looked at both of us. I guess this means that there's going to be a lot of talking between us all very soon about what just happened.

Leo's point of view.

From what Leatherhead said we were in Hawaii and were now humans who were all walking around in public to find our brother to bring him home with us. We were looking until it was late so we had to find a place to stay for the night which was in the trees for now until we could find him.

When I woke up I heard the sounds of grunts that were like my brothers, I woke the others up making us all walk over to see a guy in white gi pants, long brown hair tied in a ponytail and green glasses who held a bow staff as he trained. I was glad to find him so we walked over to him, we started to call out his name while running to him until he pointed his staff at us making us all stop.

We started to ask him how he was, why was he here, why did he do that and to come with us since we were taking him home but he just snapped at us saying he wasn't coming. April was looking at a window saying she saw a girl there but when I looked I didn't see anyone there.

It made me demand why as he replied that he was happy here which made us yell at each others troths "Am I missing something?" asked a soft female voice, we turned to see a girl maybe a year older then us with short dark brown hair with in the front some blonde wicks with purple pink glasses while wearing a high light pink pajama top with white shorts and a light pink silk robe.

"Jas" was what Don said as we all looked back to the girl and him as she walked over to him to take hold of his arm "You know this girl Donatello?" father asked him as he was ignored "Jas I think we should get inside and call the police" he said as he started pushing the girl inside.

But she looked back at us like she wasn't going to listen to him, she moved from his arm as she ran over to us not listening to Donnie's pleading "Why don't you all come in and get cleaned while we then talk?" she suggested to us. We turned to one another before nodding back as she guided us inside and up the stairs to where we each could go to get cleaned as she would bring us clean clothes for all of us.

When I entered the room she showed us I saw that there was an inside bathroom there and went in to get cleaned, taking off my clothes I went into the shower to get washed while letting the warm water fall on my skin.

The door opened as a figure came inside which was Donnie who had changed clothes in his arms and placed them on the sink counter as he picked the ones I left on the ground "Her name is Jasmine Lessard, I need to head out for a while to do something so your going to be talking to her" he said before leaving without letting me say anything.

When I got out of the shower I went to find white shorts and a light blue buttoned shirt I looked at the rest of the clothes as I started to get dressed before walking out of it to leave the room and go downstairs where this "Jasmine" was right now.

When I got there I saw her outside on the balcony with a mug in her hands while wearing the same thing as when I first saw her but with the wind blowing in her hair. She walked back inside and saw me with surprised eyes, but she smiled at me "Would you like something to drink?" she asked me as she placed her mug on the table before pulling me a chair so I could sit down "Um do you have any kinds of tea" I asked as she went to the covers to try and find the tea.

"Um there's oolong tea, strawberry tea, green tea and black tea which would you like?" she asked me as I thought about all of the kinds she just said "Strawberry tea please" I said to her as she took a small bag and took out the pots and cups for the tea and then started to work on making the tea I had requested.

As she was making the water heat up she turned to me "May I ask who you are?" she asked me as it was only fair since I knew her name "My name is Leonardo and i'm Donatello's older brother" I answered her as she then nodded.

"What was Donnie like when he first got here?" I asked her as she was putting the tea bag in the tea pot "At first he was surprised that I was the girl he spoke to in his dreams, but after I showed him around and helped him start a life here he then got used to it and was able to be happy with me then we started to date about a few weeks after words" she explained to me as my eyes widen at the part she said of dream communication.

When she was done making the tea, the others came down the stairs as she placed the tray on the table and poured me a cup "Do you put something in your tea or just drink it as it was made?" she asked me as I decided to try it first before adding something to it.

But the tea was good like this and shacked my head no as I went back to drink it "Would any of you like to drink something else then strawberry tea?" she asked them as she placed the pot back on the table as they came in the room.

"Why don't we get some answers instead missy?" Raph said as he walked over to her making sure he showed he was stronger then her the whole time he walked to her. But she didn't acknowledge it for a second and instead made them all sit down somewhere near her.

"Alright well first off my name is Jasmine Lessard and I have been dating Donnie for over 5 years now since he first came here to my dimension by accident. I've helped him with my family as well with many things so he could understand things here and was able to go to school, get a degree, his diploma and a job during those five years" she said to us.

I was watching her the whole time she spoke as she moved around to express herself with what she was saying from all of this to us as I tried to understand her a little better At some point we all asked her a question about something and was given an answer we could approve.

I guess maybe things are good here for Donnie since he is happy with her. But doesn't he want to come back home with us where he belongs?

Well it looks like the others are now in Hawaii with the couple and were able to meet my OC. But Raph seems to be a little rude? What will happen next? Will Donnie's brothers find true love as well? Will they meet someone from her family? Find that out in the next chapter and much more!

PAL out!

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