Hope to find you fast little brother

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Raph's point of view.

They found him! Leatherhead found him in a way? He said he had to first find his heartbeat and that was about three years ago and now he found it! But by then the rest of my brothers lost hope in finding him. But when we heard his heartbeat they were back to there old self's and we were now trying to find him.

I just hope we get to him soon since I really need my genius brother back now. Leatherhead said that it might take less time to find where he is then his heartbeat but his location might be harder because he needs to find his signature heat waves and DNA.

Morning came and I woke up in my hammock that I now had instead of my mattress since I just didn't like it any more, I stood in it and stretched before getting out and putting on my gear right before I opened my door to head to the kitchen to get something to eat.

Getting in the kitchen I see Mikey cooking breakfast like always now that he had tried to make something we could actually eat instead of his experiments. I sat down on my usual seat while looking at the one Donnie would sit on when he was still with us.

"Mornin' Mike!" I chirped to him as he was looking at what he was making as he only nods my acknowledgment that I was there and spoke to him "What are we eating?" I then ask him as I turn to Leo walking in.

We were 16 when we came back to New York and Shredder is still looking for us and Karai making us need to hide and it was rare for us to come to the surface while some Kraang were still here making us need to take care of them fast before they brought more of them, but we needed Donnie to help us and while were trying to get him back we had to try to help out in the lair.

Mikey was only silent for now while I tried to make a conversation with him and Leo until sensei comes in making them talk "Don will come back soon you guys so cheer up" I said to them as sensei came in.

"Cheer up? You want us to cheer up? HE'S BEEN GONE FOR THREE FREAKING YEARS RAPH AND YOU WANT US TO CHEER UP?! WHY DON'T WE JUST GO SEE SHREDDER AND TELL HIM ABOUT DONNIE BEING GONE AND LET HIM KILL US!?!?!" Mikey yelled at me as he ditched the pan that he was using to make our breakfast.

Leo's point of view.

Mikey and Raph were now yelling at one another as sensei comes and stops them "Enough! Your brother Donatello is alive and will be returned to us as soon as our friend Leatherhead has found where he is right now and can open a portal to him" he explained as my two younger brothers stopped and were released by him.

We then went back to what we always do as we wait for news from Leatherhead or Rockwell about Donnie's location but ever since they found his heartbeat I just feel like we still need to work hard to find him as we wait for the news of where he was.

As we ate in silence or spoke when sensei spoke to one of or all of us I thought about Donnie and what he could be doing or if he's even alright.

When I was done I putted my dishes in the sink before going to the dojo to meditate as I tri to connect myself to him as we wait for news.

But we had to wait two months before we were told that he was found and still alive. With that done we had to find some kraang items to make a safe and unloadable portal to go to him.

Now we were searching for the first easy things to find, screws, bolts and some large pieces of glass which brought us to the dump which Donnie would always go to for finding something he needs for his projects.

About a week after we found everything we all had to go to TCRI to find kraang metal, power cells, power boxes they make for the power cells and kraang electric orbs. As we got in we had to work together to find each items but with the kraang there we had to escape at times when we were either close to what we were looking for or we had it and we had to escape without it.

It took us two more years before we got everything for the portal and had to now wait for it to be ready to get going to find Donnie.

About three days and three nights later the portal was now ready to work, we were geared up with our friends by our side and our father was with us ready to go in since Leatherhead made a special remote that we can use to open the portal when we come back home.

"Remember were only going to search for Donnie and then we bring him back with us home where he belongs understand?" I said to all of them as we spoke about what we were going to do once in the dimension Donnie was in right now.

Mikey's point of view.

Here we our, in Leatherhead's home with everyone as we were about to go threw the portal he made to go and find Donnie in the dimension he was stuck in right now all this time we had tried to find him.

Soon we would be able to see him again and then bring him back home, we each brought more gear that we were trained in using in case something bad happens as were there.

"Alright is everyone ready?" Leo asked us as we all nod to him before we each go one at a time into the portal to go in whatever dimension Donnie was in right now.

As I then go in after Raph I see the bright light blinding my eyes as I think back at what Leatherhead said to us about since the portal would be bright he had to activated it in a secluded place where it wont be seen for now as we enter this dimension.

I never really thought about what it was like this dimension he was in or what he was doing or how he was being treated.

But I know that we would see him soon and bring him back home where we should all be right now instead of where he was right now.

Bounded by the red strings of loveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin