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Nothing had been going well in the sewer lair where the mutants and humans lived in, each of them going one way while one goes another right now. Jasmine hadn't been getting much better nor had been Donatello making everyone worry for them as they should have been preparing for the wedding, Raphael has been forced to leave for Japan on a journey leaving his family behind right now, Michelangelo had simply cried in his room when he had nothing to do making Katrinna go over to him to comfort him after feeding Jasmine, Novaflor and Milana had to in the end still do the sponge baths to Jas for she almost drowned herself making them need to wait a little longer.

these two weeks had still been hard on all of them right now for it had been impossible for them to make Donatello come out of his lab to see Jasmine, Splinter had gone to see them but while Jasmine says her condition in one word Donatello on the other hand is always quiet and he was only working on his work making the mutant rat sigh and as he walks out would always say "I wish you would focus on fixing this problem my son" before the lab door closes behind him letting Donatello drop what he was doing to fall to his knees and cry at how it was true but he just couldn't see her right now and sensing her was impossible since she was blocking him with a barrier. But really she was blocking everyone but Leonardo as she trusted him for it since he had yet to tell anyone about any of this right now, Casey at time would come down to try and get Donatello out when he was about to go visit April but even he barely made him respond before seeing Jasmine as she would ask him to give April what looked to be a note who would then come back with another one for her that after another week became letters making Casey smile since she was now trying to communicate with his girlfriend who then another week passed and would now come every time before lunch to pick Jasmine up and bring her with him to visit April for lunch and then take her back to the lair two minutes after lunch every time.

She was talking mostly to Casey, April and Leonardo but after that only a few word sentences to the others and nothing to Raphael and Donatello, when a month came around Jasmine was now out of the room and into the open making them all happy but still have a hard time with the silence she gave to some of them most of the time right now. At last April was able to leave and come back to the lair but had to have either Casey or her dad with her until she leaves making it hard for her sometimes but Casey would let her be alone with Jasmine as she could be trusted about it, but when Leonardo told her about the situation she went straight to Jasmine for a hug and a smack upside the head to Donatello with nothing to say to him as he should have fixed it some time ago now so she decided to simply be by Jasmine's side all the time.

It had now turned to two months and now Jasmine was talking with everyone but Raphael as he was gone and Donatello since he was always in the lab and April was now able to come visit without anyone with her now making Jasmine happy for her now. But she could feel something was on Jasmine's mind and she was keeping it from all of them right now, she did want to know but decided to simply wait for her to come over to her and tell her what was wrong instead of asking her for answers right now.

But then two weeks later, Jasmine had left the lair one night making them all panic as she was gone all of a sudden making them worry about her condition as they weren't too sure if she was ready for it, making the turtles look for her during the night while the humans would look during the day before going back to her home world to search for until nothing came around for them to know about her location.

In the end they had to stop since it was impossible for them to know where she was if she didn't leave anything for them to know where she was going or even why she was doing it right now, this in the end made them depressed about it for two weeks in a half from it until they all went on with there lives and simply wait for her return every once and a while for now while not knowing more about it for now.

But for some reason they felt like something was off, almost like someone was hiding something from the rest of them making them all realise that one of them knew something about Jasmine right now and they had no idea as to who it was right now, with that each of them were sure another was the one who knew where she was right now making them watch the person until they discovered it truly was them.

But who was it that knew where Jasmine was?

I want to just say thank you so much for the 293 views it really means a lot to me but it's not over yet! In the next story everyone is getting worried for the location of Jas as she hadn't returned after a year, Raph returns then and is also shocked since Donnie comes out now while at the same time Mila and the others try to make Nova and Leo date with also the search of the person who knew where Jasmine was.

It's going to be called: Bounded by the black thread of lies

PAL out!

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