Chapter 7

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"Hey, Jess," Jack calls.

I turn away from Sandy, with whom I was having a conversation. Jack flies over to us just as Bunny walks out of the breakfast hall.

"I have a friend. His name is Jamie and he lives in a town called Burgess. I was planning on visiting him. Do you want to come?"

I notice a weird look on Bunny's face. Jack glares at him and turns back to me. "The last time I went to a town, it didn't work out too well," I say, recalling the horrifying memory.

"Come on, Jess. Jamie and his sister and his friends are amazing," Jack says.

I sigh. "Fine, I'll go with you."

Jack smiles. "We can get to the town faster if we use one of North's snow globes. I'll go get some from him." He flies into the breakfast hall.

He comes out a few seconds later, holding a snow globe. He walks to the center of the room. I wave to Sandy and he enters the breakfast hall. I join Jack in the middle of the room. He shakes the snow globe and then whispers, "Burgess, Pennsylvania." He throws it and it becomes a swirling portal. Jack grabs my arm and steps into the portal. We come out on the other side, and I feel nauseated, a little less than before, but nauseated nonetheless.

"Jamie's house is just down this street," Jack says, pointing down the street on our left.

He walks down the street and I follow him. He stops at the fifth house on the street and walks around to the backyard. I see a young boy and girl playing in the yard.

"That's Jamie and his sister, Sophie," Jack tells me.

Jack floats over the fence and lands on the other side. I follow his lead. Jamie looks up. His eyes widen as he notices us standing here.

"Jack!" he exclaims. He jumps up and runs over to him. He hugs him. "I knew you'd come back. I knew it!" Jamie says.

I look around and see a flower blossoming near the fence. I walk around Jack and over to it. I kneel down.

"Hey, Jamie," Jack says. "I have a friend I want you to meet." I glance over my shoulder at them. "Her name's Jess," Jack continues.

"Where is she?" Jamie asks as his sister joins him.

"Well, no one believes in her, so she can't be seen. But I can prove to you she's here. Just watch that flower over there." Jack points towards me and the flower with his staff. "Go ahead, Jess." he says.

I sit on the side of the flower so they can see what's going to happen. I move my hand in the same exact way I did when I helped that flower North had. The flower blossoms, revealing a white rose.

"Whoa." I hear Jamie say. I get up and look over at them. "You're Jess?" Jamie asks.

He sees me. Someone actually sees me. "Yeah, I am," I say.

"She's the Spirit of Spring, kinda like how I'm the Spirit of Winter," Jack says.

Then Sophie comes up to me. I kneel down in front of her and make a pink flower appear in my hand. I carefully place it in her hair, making sure it'll stay. Sophie giggles then throws her arms around my neck. I hug her back for a second or two then let go of her. She lets go of me as well and smiles.

I stand up and Jack turns to Jamie. "Hey, we have to go, but don't worry, I'll be back. We'll be back," he says.

Jamie gives Jack one last hug. Then he runs over to me and hugs me. He lets go of me and goes back to playing with his sister. We exit their backyard and stand just outside the fence. Jack pulls out a snow globe, shakes it, and whispers something. He throws it and it becomes a portal. I jump through it first. Jack follows. We stand in the main room of the work shop. I think I've finally gotten used to going through these portals. Sandy, Bunny, Tooth, and North walk out of the breakfast hall. "Hey guys." I say.

Along For The Ride(ROTG Fan Fiction)(UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now