Chapter 20

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I wake up in a room. The walls are a light gray, the door is black and the bed has black sheets and gray sheets on it. I slide off the bed and head towards the door. I open it and walk out into a short hallway. I start to walk down it, being as careful as possible because I don't know where I am. Before I get to the end of the hall, a door open a yard or two away from me on the left side. I stop. A dark figure walks out. He has glowing goldish eyes and pale gray skin. He has black hair that comes out into small spikes. "W-who are you?" I ask. "I see you don't remember me." He says, taking a step towards me. I take a step back. I could hear the sadness in his voice when he said that.

"Should I know you?" I ask. "I'm your guardian, your caretaker, a sort of...parent figure. I'm Pitch Black, remember?" That name, Pitch Black. It sounds familiar. "I think so," I say. "What happened?" "An accident occurred, in which I now found out that you lost your memory, most of it, I think. Do you remember anything?" Pitch says. I nod. He puts an arm around my shoulder and walks down the hall. He turns right just before the end and walks through a door. I look around. A large dining room. A long gray table sits in the middle of the room.

"Take a seat, relax," Pitch says. "Feel free to eat." I stand near the door as Pitch walks to the table and sits at the head of it, the side farthest from the door. I sit on his right. "Can you tell me what you remember?" He asks. "My name is Jess. I am the Spirit of Spring. I know what my powers are and what I am capable of. I know that I'm immortal and how I died." I say. "Is there anything else you remember?" Pitch asks, handing me a plate of salad. I take the plate from him. "No, nothing else." I say. He nods. "Eat up and then I'll tell you everything."


*Jack's POV*

"Jack!" I hear Tooth shout. I look at Phil, who I've been talking to for the past two hours. He motions for me to go see what's wrong. I fly up to the top and land on the banister. I run for the doors. I rip one open and run outside. A large ball of black sand is on the other side of the bridge. The others stand a few yards away from it. I fly over to them and realize that Jess is gone. Tooth looks over at me, completely horrified. "Jess is in there!" She says. I turn back to the ball of sand. Pitch, he's doing this. I'm about to start shooting tons of ice at the ball when it disappears. No one stands in that spot, no one.


*Jess' POV*

I know everything now. Pitch has been taking care of me ever since I was little. He said that my parents died when I was little, too, but he didn't know how. He told me that while he was out on a walk, which he enjoys doing, he found me near death, laying at the base of a tree. He brought me back, nursed me to health and took care of me ever since then. He also said that I enjoy walks as well. "Thank you, Pitch." I say. "You're welcome, Jess. I'm glad you remember now." He says. We walk out of the dining room and out of the hall. We stand in a large, and I mean large, room. The high ceiling is half of what makes this room so large.

Then, out of nowhere, a black horse thing that looks to be made of sand, appears across the room and trots over to us. Another one joins it as they reach us. I take a few steps back. "Don't be afraid, Jess," Pitch says, reaching over to pet the first one. "They won't harm you." I look over at the second one. I hesitate, but stick my hand out towards it. It walks towards me and nuzzles its nose into my hand. I step towards it and lightly pet it the way Pitch does. "They're so cool!" I say after a few minutes. "Yes, they are." Pitch says.

Then the horses suddenly disappear. I look at Pitch, he seems confused as well. I look around and see a door near the bottom of a set of stairs slide open. A girl who looks like a peacock fairy bird thing floats though. She's followed by a kid with snow white hair, who's wearing a blue hoodie and is holding a staff, a giant bunny, a glowing gold man, and a chubbyish guy with a long white beard. I look over to where Pitch would be standing, but he's not there. I stand in the middle of the room, alone.

The kid with white hair spots me. "Jess!" He exclaims. "How-" He runs up to me and plants his lips on mine. He pulls away from me and I shove him. "Get off me! I don't know who you are!" He still has his hands on my shoulders. I shove him again and he takes a few steps back, a look of hurt on his face. Then Pitch appears next to me. "She doesn't remember you, Jack, and she never will." He says. Apparently he knows these people. The kid takes another step back. "What did you do to her?" He asks. "I did nothing." Pitch says.

The weird bird-girl flies forward and grabs the kids arm. "Jack, come on." She says, dragging him back towards the door. I notice that the others of their group are gone. As the two of them near the door, the kid completely freaks out. "Jess! Please, don't! I-" He's dragged through the door and it closes, cutting him off. "Pitch...?" I say with a hint of fear in my voice. "It's okay, Jess," He says, putting an arm around me. "I won't let them take you." Then the two horses appear again, which somehow brings me comfort. I walk up to the one I was petting before and start petting it again.

I spend a few hours with the horse. "Jess." I look towards the hall and see Pitch. "Dinner is ready." I pet the horse once more and walk over to him. We walk into the dining room and take our seats. We talk as we eat dinner. Once we're finished, Pitch tells me to go to bed. I obey and walk out of the dining room. I walk down the hall to the room I was in when I woke up. I'm guessing it's mine now. I climb into bed and easily fall asleep.


*Jack's POV*

I sit in the sleigh with my knees pulled up to my chest and my arms wrapped around them. No one is talking. How could Jess not know who I am? "He did something to her, I know it." Bunny says. "He must have wiped her memory and put false thoughts into her mind. That is why she didn't know who you were, Jack." North says. I don't say anything. He really got Jess. He took her away from me and the last thing I said to her, before I went to find Phil, was stupid. I should've been with them. If I was, this wouldn't be such a disaster.

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