2 - Audition

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I do not own The Phantom Of The Opera this is just a fan fiction. I own nothing from this movie/book/musical.

            I was sitting in a hall just outside of the main stage in the Paris opera. Today was the day of the auditions for new members of the 'pit band'. I felt myself shaking as I looked down at the Violin that was sitting in my lap.

            What made this a little worse is that I did not know anywhere hear and for once I was being noticed a little bit more then usual because I was the only woman there trying out. And of what I've seen.. the only Violin.

            I took a deep breath as the line was getting shorter and shorter, names being called one by one off a long list of people who were there to try out. Some people though I had noticed were not leaving the same door that they came out. But this was rare. Most people were being sent back out and they left the opera house entirely. But some people I did not see for the time period I was sitting in the hall.

            "Miss Nathalie?"  I heard my name called and I look up to see an older woman with a stern expression looking at me. I don't know why but her stare was making me feel uncomfortable as I stood up and I saw her looking over my very simple cream colored dress. She seemed to have had something  click in her mind as she smiled slightly at me before opening the door for me to enter.

            "Thank you" I had said softly before entering the room and me and the older woman walked onto center stage.

            "Monsieur, this is Nathalie Rivera." The woman simply introduced me before leaving me on stage alone. I felt my heart speed up greatly as I took a deep breath and did my best to smile at the manager of the opera house and at the conductor who was most likely picking out who stayed and who left the opera house that day.

            "You can begin whenever you are ready Miss" I nodded a little bit at the two of them before running my hand through my red hair and took a deep breath before playing the piece I had prepared.

            The solo went smoothly as I had relaxed through out the piece though I had felt like I was going to collapse because of how much I had been shaking. I hoped to god that they were not able to tell just how nervous I was at the time. As I finished a lifted the bow from the strings before letting the sound of the last note ring out before lowering my arms and facing them.

            "Lovely now if you will take yourself over to the group standing over there to your right we will talk to you momentarily" The conductor said before I smiled and bowed slightly and smiled at them

            "Thank you Monsieur" I replied as I did as he had instructed and went to the group of men who had also had a successful audition. Though I didn't try to make too much of a scene as I stood off to the side of the group earning a few nods in approval.

            "Pssst! Nathalie!"I heard someone whisper at me and I glanced over in the direction that I had heard it come from and I saw a girl about two years younger than me in a white ballet dress smiling at me. She had long blond hair and was very pretty for her age "You did very well!" she smiled excitedly at me before she had glanced around like she was going to get into trouble if she was talking to me.

            "Thank you." I had said softly and nodded at her as she smiled at me.

            "Meg!"I heard the older woman from earlier who had introduced me to the conductor. "Get back to rehearsal" she had said again before the girl called Meg had gone off back to the other chorus girls

            "I'm sorry" she had said.

            There was about ten or so more auditions before the conductor had walked over to the group of men who had been choosen, and myself. Though I stayed detached from the group as he spoke to us.

-Discontinued- A Guiding Hand (A Phantom Of The Opera Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now