23 - Nathalie... Come with me.

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You fool, you should have never decided to do this. You knew in the back of your mind that if you saw her again you'd want to take her back. You knew that you'd loose control over yourself to that stupid obsession. Now it's all over, Christine is gone. You're alone once again.

I leaned against a near by wall clutching to the ring that Christine had returned to me. For the first time in so long I wanted to die. No one like me deserved someone like her.

That's when I felt someone's hand on my arm but before I could make out who they were they hugged? Me? I looked down and the all too familiar scent of cherry blossoms (for you that don't know take the smell of a rose but make it stronger). That's when I had remembered what a horrible mistake I made. Nathalie.. My sweet, sweet Nathalie. How could I be so cruel. I felt more tears building in my eyes as I thought of how much I must have hurt her. How could I be such a cruel monster.

"Nathalie.." I pulled her closer to me hugging her tightly as I felt her petite arms tighten around me. I could tell she was crying. How could I have done this to her. I looked down at her. She didn't seem to want to say anything. "Nathalie... I am so... So sorry... Can you ever forgive me?" I asked shakily.

"Let's not talk about this now. You need to get out of here." She suddenly pulled away and grabbed my arm pulling me along. I heard her sniffle as she used her free hand to wipe away a few stray tears from her eyes. I gently took hold of her shoulders to turn her to make her face me. "Erik! We don't have time for this! They'll hurt you!" Even after I had betrayed her. She still worried about me.. How could I have done this to her. I gently reached up to stroke her cheek with my hand but she brushed it aside "can you not hear me! You have to leave!" She repeated herself

"Nathalie." I don't know what made me think of this but. "Nathalie.. Come with me. Please." I said looking down at her as I felt a tear spill from my eye. She looked up at me as she wiped it away.

"Erik I can't. My place is here." She spoke to me. I bit my lip as I thought for a moment.

"Your place is here?" I asked a little confused but before she could reply. "What is there to keep you from coming with me? I'm a fool I know this. The opera house is burning down.. The only person besides me, who knows who you really are would have you locked in a basement if I wasn't by your side!" I said.

"Erik." She said sadly looking into my eyes as I looked down into hers. "As much as I want to.." She turned her head looking away from me. "What would stop you from running back to Christine of you had the chance?" She was right to doubt me. After I had said I loved her so many times I somehow still abandoned her to go back to Christine. I felt the anger building inside of me. She looked at me tears spilling down her cheeks "what's to stop you from leaving me like Bryce?!" She said as she pushed me away.  I instinctively pulled her back to me holding her tightly but not enough to hurt her.

"Nathalie she means nothing to me anymore." I heard her scuff at me as she spoke and tried to pull away from me. "I love you, and only you." She managed to pull away from me as she looked at me with now tears of anger.

"Lies! You spout lies!" She said as she turned from me. "You said those same words to me before and I will not fall for them again! I know for a fact you'd go back for her if you had the chance!" She said to me I was left speechless in that moment. We stood in silence for a moment as I walked slowly to her and gently turned her chin to me but she pulled away. I felt my anger building as my fist clenched and I looked down.

"Can we sort this out later?! You know angry mob coming an all?!" I heard Lucas yell from down the hall.

"Nathalie just come with us!" I snapped at her suddenly. She looked at me as tears spilled down her cheeks.

"Give me your word!" She snapped back at me. "Give me your word that no matter what happens! You will not lie to me or betray me again!" She said. I grabbed her and pulled her to me kissing her.  After a few moments after she called a bit I pulled away.

"I swear to you on my life. I will never hurt you in that way EVER again" I said looking down at her. "Damn me to hell if I break this vow." I said to her as she stared up at me before she kissed me gently. We held it for a moment before

"HELLO! Did you not hear me the first time?! Three tickets for a boat common common let's go! Let's go!!" Lucas yelled impatiently from down the hall.

I grabbed Nathalie's hand as we both quickly ran down the hall after Lucas who was leading the way. We would be on our way to America soon.

-Discontinued- A Guiding Hand (A Phantom Of The Opera Fan Fiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora