22 - The Point Of No Return Reprise./im not that girl reprise.

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(I couldn't find a video comparable with this website so go onto YouTube and look up "the point of no return reprise" to be able to understand what is going on)


It's been about a week and today was the day Erik would be getting his closure. Though I was afraid that he had something else in mind...

Madame Giry made an excuse that I was extremely ill and wouldn't be able to preform with the rest of the opera house in Erik's opera.  I was left with the company of Lucas while the nights happenings went on. I was told to rest by Erik and that he would be back later. He told me that whatever happens to not leave this room. And if I needed there was a place to hide off in another part of the room behind some curtains.

I was strong enough to move around by now but I still had a fever and slight pains whenever I tried to move. Erik was worried and wanted me to rest. At least I was hoping that he was worried.

I was sitting writing in my journal in the swan bed. Lucas had gone to do a few things that he was ordered to do by Madame Giry.

I was listening to the lullaby that came from my bracelet while I was writing before I heard Lucas come in as he lowered the curtains that went around the swan bed

"Miss stay quite Erik is returning but he has a guest." He said. I softly nodded before he had ran off. I hoped to God that it was Raoul or Christine who was with him. I quickly stopped the music box and looked at the opening that lead to the rest of the lair.

Christine suddenly walked in finding me sitting on the bed with my journal. She lifted the curtains that went around the bed. I couldn't help but frown. What was she doing here... I thought that Erik only wanted closure.

"What are you doing down here?" Christine said walking over to me and sitting at the bed side. "I thought you were ill, resting in the dormitories. Not here. It's dangerous here" she said looking at me worriedly. I so wanted to snap at her at that moment. I loathed Christine there was something about her that just annoyed me. Maybe it was the fact that I loved Erik yet she stole his attention from me? Maybe it was the fact that she reminded me of Emily. The girl who stole Bryce away from me? Or maybe it was the fact she was so pure, beautiful and perfect...

"Christine... It's nice to see you again..." I lied through my teeth. "I am ill but I'm here because I am..." I gritted my teeth. "I am here with Erik." I said she looked at me strangely.

"Erik?" She questioned me. "You mean the phantom?" She asked me as I nodded. She didn't even know his real name... She looked down at me as if she was frustrated before she stood up "he's deceived you with his lies like he did me" she said angrily but before I could stop her she left the room. I her singing angrily at Erik.

Have you gorged yourself at last in your lust for blood?!
Am I now you be pray to your list for flesh?!

She sang angrily. I weakly stood up and went to the edge of the entrance of the room. Looking out at what was happening.

This fate which condemns me to wallow in blood
Had also denied me the joys of the flesh
This face the infection which poisons our love!

I felt tears building in my eyes as I watched this happening as Erik continued.

This face which earned a mothers fear and loathing
A mask my first unfeeling scrap of clothing
Pity comes to late turn around and
Fave your fate,
An eternity of this before your eyes

I took notice of Erik's wig and mask being gone as I watched Christine walk up to a mirror pulling down the cloth and singing.

This haunted face holds no horror for me now.
It's in your soul
Where the true distortion lies

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