30 - Agreed

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The idiot. I couldn't believe him for what he was doing. He expects me to believe that he wasn't trying to steal christine, his faithful little song bird back into her cage. To throw me aside and all the work we have done to create a life for us.

Finding myself on the balcony again I leaned against the railing looking out into the night sky. I had came out here to avoid waking our daughter with our little argument that was about to happen. I could sense the anger building in Erik that he was trying his best to hide. But I could see it all to well.

Ever sense Anastasia was born he had been trying to control his temper. He didn't want to end up hurting or scaring her because he had gotten angry for whatever reason. It was another reason why Madame Giry and I worked so hard to create him a personal study, office or music room. Whichever you may describe it being. Meg of all people even helped us create it for the new Mr Y.

I felt myself scuff at the thought. Mr. Y, no longer the Erik I knew, the phantom i originally met. He was a new man entirely. Two faced, a liar.

Absentmindedly I turned the ring on my left hand as I thought about what to say to Erik. After everything Erik and I have been through, and how much we had helped each other. Him helping me to settle down and not be on the run anymore, saving me from my solitude the same way I did with him, guiding him out of the catacombs and guiding him to reach his dreams. And yet this is how he repays me.

"Nathalie?" Being dragged back to the reality of the situation by the man who caused my anger I glanced at him. He stood next to me a hand on my shoulder and a concerned yet frustrated look in his eyes. "I understand you have been through a lot. I understand how you could have so much distrust in the things i do, whether it be in matters of our opera house, to the matters of... her..." I could sense him not even wanting to say her name. I felt my eyes narrow.

"You say it was fate?" I felt the words suddenly leave my lips. "Was it fate that she was brought here? Was it really? If it was fate why did you have to make sudden changes to her coming here? If it was fate it should have all worked perfectly am I right? Why do you think I don't believe in such nonsense?"


Erik did understand all too well why Nathalie was the way she was, although Doctors don't believe that mental illness is something that they need to worry about. But it was obvious by the way Nathalie acted that there was some truth behind the theories. The way she acted to things like people yelling or bringing up things that would remind her of her past.

Even his stupid actions, his idiotic actions that made her upset even made sense to him on why she would get angry or upset. But Nathalie never thought he understood because of him continuing to make such stupid mistakes that would cause fights or cause her to... think back. To that time.

They stood in silence for awhile. Nathalie looking out into the moonlight sky while she thought about what to say or to do. Erik looked at her with a mix of anger and sadness in his eyes. Why did he keep doing this to her. He tried his best and yet every time he keeps looking back to christine and the rush of her touch and relationship.

He pushed the thought away. No. He can't think that way. He has a child and a loving wife. Yet why did he yearn for christine and everything she had to offer. He had to guess there was some truth to the saying "the grass is always greenier on the other side" he thought.

Silence continued for a few moments before Erik was able to put the words together to explain himself in a way that he hoped Nathalie would be able to understand.

"I've never wanted to hurt you Nathalie, but it seems everytime the situation arises, where there is a possibility of me doing so, i fall into the trap. I never mean to do such dreadful things, and you know I always try to fix it." Another scuff escaped between Nathalies lips before retorting.

"And when will it end. I can't just keep pushing through everytime you break my heart expecting things to be different the next time around. Because that is always what you promise. You promise to change yet you always fall short. The first couple times it was understandable but this is getting past a point I don't think you will ever be able to return from" She explained turning and glancing back at him.

"I know I don't deserve your kindness and understanding but please." Erik looked down at her with a pleading expression. "Just give me one more chance that is all I ask. And this time I will understand if you leave." He explained. Nathalie looking up at him with a stern expression, but the hatred melting away as she sighed.

"Fine... But this is your final chance." She said giving him a glare with her green eyes earning a smile and a hug from Erik. 

"As soon as Christine finishes her Ariea (Don't know how to spell that) I will send her on the first boat back to France." He said with a smile.

"You mean you are not sending her home tonight?" Nathalie asked.

"She already signed the contract to preform." Nathalie glared up at him. 

"The same night she preforms she leaves. Got it?" She said sternly. She didn't want to give him any room to end up hurting her again.

"Yes my love" he said before laying a light kiss on her forehead and guiding her to their room for the night.


-Discontinued- A Guiding Hand (A Phantom Of The Opera Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now