17 - the search.

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-Madame Giry-

I watched as the patron Dominick Radley had gone off with Nathalie. He had said that she grew Ill and fainted into his arms. I didn't believe this of course but for now I would let him play his game.

I started to walk back to my quarters finding a white rose, thornless with a black ribbon toed around it, laid on the floor. I knelt down to pick it up and stared at the ribbon. I recognized this as something of Erik's doing. I remembered seeing Christine with a red one of this nature.

I stood and frowned at the sight. It was late I wouldn't be able to talk to anyone about this. I also found Nathalie's journal a little bit further down the hall. Picking it up I looked down at it with a frown before heading to my quarters.

If my assumptions were true. Sooner or later Erik would come to me with some questions. I would be able to tell him what happened I will also speak with my daughter and find out if she knew anything of her friend and this new patron.


I woke up in a cellar tied up in chains and rope. As I tried to move I felt a sharp pain run through my entire body. I glanced around. I was in a short white dress that was torn and already stained with blood.

I felt like I had been here forever. No where is Erik? What happened. I felt tears brimming in my eyes as I looked around the chains making noise as I struggled trying to break away. If this was Dominick's doing then he knew that last time he messed up. He was making sure he wouldn't loose me this time.. The sick bastard. How long have I been down here.

I felt my stomach growl as I looked down. How long have I been unconscious.. Or out of it. How long..

I was alone in the cellar room for hours before I heard footsteps coming down the wooden stairs that were on the other side of a concrete wall.

I moved the chains trying to get out before I heard a chuckle and footsteps coming towards me. A ruff and forceful hand grabbed my chin and force me to look at the man. Dominick stood there before me.

"Good morning flower. I see you've finally awakened." He said before I pulled my face away.

"Damn you.." I said under my breath. This was the first time I spoke in god knows when and I don't know but my voice hurt.

"Awe don't be so Stubborn" he said grabbing my chin again this time not allowing me to  move away. "How is the little street rat anyways?" He asked me before standing letting go of my chin.

"Wouldn't you like to know" I said dryly.
"How long have I been down here?" I asked.

"Oh only three weeks" he said. I felt my eyes widen as I stared at him. "That drug I bought was worth it. Only one shot of it had you out for so long I'm surprised your not dead." I felt myself growl as I pulled against the chains wanting to hurt him.

"You sick bastard" I swore at him before he chuckled and turned to face me. "Oh calm yourself." He said I laughed,

"How in hells name could I be calm in this situation? You have me tied up like an animal!" I said

"Oh but you are Amelia" he said knelt down in front of me." I felt blood building up in my mouth. What kind of sick things did he do to me. Oh yeah... I remember... He probably did what he did before.

As he leaned in closer to me I spat the blood I had been building up In my mouth into his brown eyes. He cursed under his breath and stood up before kicking me hard in the stomach.

I coughed up the remaining blood onto the floor in front of me before looking up at him through the messy knots that was my hair. He grinned looking down at me.

"Act like an animal and you will be treated like one." He said holding his eye while looking at me with the other. "To be honest I prefer you like this Amelia. Your more fun" he said to me

"Rot in hell!" I yelled at him before he smirked and left me to my solitude in the cold, dark cellar.

"Oh Erik... I'm so sorry..." I said hanging my head as tears streamed down my cheeks. "I'm so.. So.. Sorry.." I repeated.


I was getting extremely nervous. Nathalie had disappeared for three weeks. The masquerade ball had passed and I put the plan I had been wanting to speak with her about into action.

I had given the owners of the opera house my opera and they were planning to produce it. I had this plan in mind but where is Nathalie!

I decided I would go talk to Madame Giry. I had waited long enough. I needed to find out where Nathalie was. I was worried.

It was late but I knew Madame Giry would still be awake and wondering through the halls. I needed to find her.

I stepped out from a passage way and wouldn't you know it there she was in her night gown and carrying a candle stick.

"Madame Giry" I spoke grabbing her attention as she spun around to see me. She looked a little more angry then normal.

"It took you long enough!" She said to be before grabbing my arm suddenly. I blinked as she guided me to her quarters. "Sit down we need to talk" she spoke as I did as she said. She closed and locked the door so no one would listen.

"Nathalie is missing. I'm sure you have taken notice" she said to me as she sat down as well. I nodded to what she had said. I looked at her desk where a dead white rose sat. The one I had given to Nathalie. I reached over to it and picked it up.

"Where did you get this?" I asked her looking back at her as she lit a couple more candles and picked up Nathalie's journal opening up to a page and handed it to me. I set down the Rose and looked down at the page looking back at her.

"Read." She said simply as I blinked cocking an eyebrow at the strange woman.

"You went through her private thoughts?" I said a little disturbed by the fact that she had.

"It was only to confirm my suspicions" she said as she waited for me to read

Today was a rather marvelous day. I no longer have to worry about me and Erik because he understands my past and why I am the way I am. But I'm a little nervous because the "strange man" is back. Dominick Radley. The new patron of the opera house. Earlier today I found out he was the same Dominick from my past. The one who bought me off from my father so he could pay his debt. I'm a little afraid he is going to try to take me back. I don't want to go back. Not after what he did to me. I don't want to go back to that cold dark cellar to be tied up like an animal with some sort of disease. I'm happy I don't want that to be ruined.

I felt anger building up as it clicked in my head what had happened. I looked at Madame Giry who looked sternly at me.

"Do you understand what is happening?" Madame Giry spoke. I nodded. "If you do love her we need to find her as soon as possible." She said and I nodded. "I've done some research and found out where the Radley estate is. But it's a good couple days away. Even by horse" Madame Giry spoke.

"I don't care I just need to see her" I stood up picking up the journal and the paper Madame Giry gave to me and I headed to a secret passage. I will find her. No matter what.

-Discontinued- A Guiding Hand (A Phantom Of The Opera Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now