5 - A midnight meeting

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After the death of Joseph I couldn't sleep even after writing all my thoughts down in my journal. I had stood up and picked up my violin case along with the now pile of folder i had of all the different music I owned a long with a book, Alice Adventures In Wonderland.

I had bought this book mostly for nostalgic purposes. It used to be one of my favorite books when I was younger so I thought what harm could it do in reading it. I also grabbed my small journal and started to walk through the opera house. I had soon found myself wondering up where the different boxes were. I stood outside the door of box five and stared at the door blankly. I couldn't help but wonder why box five? Why he had chosen that one.

I was a little nervous walking around because I didn't know what kind of mood this 'Phantom' was in and I didn't want to have to deal with someone trying to kill me with a rope. I sighed faintly and walked away from the door to the box before heading to the roof with a candle stick in hand so I would have light.

When I had gotten up the stairs I had sworn when I opened the door that I had saw a figure but it could have just been my imagination.

I walked over to one of the statues and lauds down all the papers I had brought up with me. It has stopped snowing and I had brushed off all the snow that had built up from the weather before laying down a cloak that was originally for me to stay warm. I laid down the papers I top of it using the books I had to weigh down the papers.

I then pulled out the pen and my violin and again had started to work as I worked on the pierce.

-The Phantom's pov-

After drinking for awhile and had been down in my lair for so many hours it had to be what I assumed to be one or two o'clock in the morning. it wouldn't be likely that any one would be awake so I thought it might be a good idea to get some fresh air and to try to get my mind of her.

I went through the usual secret passage ways to find my way up to the roof. When I got there I looked out over paris for not more than a minute before I heard someone opening up the door behind me and I quickly ran behind one of the near by statues.

It was that violinist. I had over heard her a couple times when i had came out here for fresh air. She'd be up here rehearsing the music from the opera's and I had just over heard that she was promoted to first chair.

I was curious to what she was doing up at this time as I stayed behind the statue. She walked over to the other one and I noticed how she took care to move the snow. She had a lot in her arms and i couldn't help but wonder what she was doing. She was rather interesting but I was more focused on someone else then to learn about the new girl in the band.

I watched as she sat on her legs in the snow. She seemed to care if she got ill through her actions as she pulled out her violin and started to play. Though I didn't recognize the tune she was playing, I watched as she stopped suddenly and leaned forward with a pen in hand to write. I stared at her for awhile and just watched her as she worked. From what I heard of the piece she was working on she was rather talented for a woman of her age. She looked around sixteen to me at least.

She sat there for a long time working on the piece before she had set down her violin into its case and closed it. She then picked up a small journal. Or least that's what it looked like from the distance I was at as she started to write. But then she seemed to freeze as she started to write after a couple minutes.

She looked up from her writing and glanced over at the statue I was hiding behind. She put the book and pen down as she slowly stood up.

"Is someone there?" She asked in a rather cold tone as she looked at the statue. I remember I had done this before when I had just watched the strange girl for so long she'd figure it out. "I don't want to deal with this anymore. If someone's there can you please come out?" she asked. "If it's who I think it is.. I'm not going to call anyone. If that's what you think."

I listen to her speak to me and contemplate it for a moment. I look over to the edge of the roof and see how it would be easy. If needed to take care of her. I sigh before stepping out behind the statue and stare at her blankly.

"Are you happy now mademoiselle?" I say

-Nathalie's Pov-

He actually came out? So this is the Phantom. We stare at eachother for a few moments in awkward silence as he still seemed upset from earlier. The skin I had seen earlier looked paler, of what i could tell he looked tired.

"Indeed" I replied to his statement as i sat down once again and started to straighten out my papers. "How long have you been listening in?" I said as I glanced at him as he seemed to be making his way closer to me.

"Sense you arrived on the roof." he replied simply as he glanced out of at Paris before he had looked back at me and I looked back down at my journal sitting in my lap.

"I mean sense I arrive here?" I asked him once again. Sense I knew someone had been listening into what I had been playing when I was up here.

"Sense you first started to rehearse on the roof" He replied simply. I sighed and pulled some of my hair behind my ear. So I started practicing on the roof so I wouldn't be interrupted and even then I have someone listening to me. I look out over Paris and frown as i glanced back over at him. This conversation seemed very awkward to me. "What is your name?" I heard him ask as I was snapped out of my thoughts. I look over at him.

"If you have been watching the opera house like i assume you would have been. Wouldn't you know?" I said in a rather cold tone. I was still annoyed with the fact that I seem to never be able to be alone.

"Well with all the people who work here you get confused with all the names" He said

"Indeed." I looked down once again. I went to stand up as he was about to turn to leave I presume. I picked up my papers as I replied to what he had asked earlier. "Nathalie" I replied as I glance over at him. He glanced over his shoulder and nodded before going to head to what I presumed to be a secret passage. "Phantom" I called as he turned to face me again

"What is it?" he asked and I smirked faintly.

"Would it be fair to tell me your name?" I asked before correcting myself "Your real one I mean" I said as i wrapped the cloak around my shoulders and held everything I had brought with me in my hands.

He seemed a little surprised by what I had asked. and I couldn't help but smirk when I had seen his reaction. And to be honest I was a little surprised myself that I had asked. But I wasn't going to let him know that.

"Erik" he replied simply as I nodded a bit and said.

"well it's nice to meet you then" I had said before we both went to leave the roof and I had thought I had heard him say.

"You too" before we had both left. I went back downstairs to the dormitories and quietly laid down in my bed after putting everything away and laying back staring up at the ceiling.

I was still not able to sleep that night but my thoughts were lost about this mysterious phantom or as less people know him Erik.

-Discontinued- A Guiding Hand (A Phantom Of The Opera Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now