29- Thoughts.

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It had been a long while sense I received that letter from Dominick, and that newspaper article was posted about Christine coming to New York.. I had been finding it hard to sleep at night, and a lot of times, found myself doing exactly what I was doing that night. I found myself out on the balcony looking out over the city. 

This time though... I didn't have two strong arms wrapping around me to try to comfort me and my restless night. This time Erik was off who knows where... probably catching up with Mrs Daae, sense she had arrived that day.

I looked down as I heard a door close on the building of the opera house outside. I looked to see Raoul walking off to a near by bar... I never imagined him turning into what I had seen earlier. Controlling, cold, a drunk.. I never imagined seeing such a kind man turning into that. I guess I had some pity for christine that she chose such a life for herself. 

I sat down at a near by chair and looked across the street at the hotel I knew Christine had been staying at. Sighing lightly I looked down and hung my head for a moment before looking up awhile later and seeing.. what I was afraid of.

I stood up again and walked to the edge of the balcony, when Erik had heard.. well.. when Mr Y had heard about how Christine would be coming he postponed opening night to about two weeks from now.. just proved further that he wanted to see Christine again... I wasn't going to talk about it with him though. To be honest I wanted to see if he would actually go through with it. I had written back to dominick about a week before, telling him I would think about his offer.

If Erik chooses Christine again.. I will go with Dominick, and leave Anastasia with Lucas and Madame Giry, I don't want her any where near Dominick, but I can't stay here if he chooses christine. I let out a heavy sigh.. I had wasted all my tears on this subject a long time ago.

On the balcony parallel to my own. I kept the light candle lit and watched the scene unfold in front of me as Erik and Christine talked to one another back and forth. Seeming to be on the brink of an argument. I half way just hoped that... Erik would look over here and see me. Maybe that would stop him from doing what he was thinking.

Third person-

Once upon another time.

Our story had only begun, 

you choose to turn the page

and I made choices too. Once upon that other time

we did what we thought must be done

and now we have no choice.

we do what we must do

we love we live

we give all we can give

and take what little we deserve.

*Christine sang as she stood on the balcony explaining this to Erik who looked at Christine with sadness in his eyes before he replied.*

Once upon another time

i knew how our story would end

and maybe I was wrong

but now the moments gone

were it still that other time

i'd make time and still some how bare.

but now I'm not that strong

and time keeps moving on.

*He sung to her as she looked at him and shook her head*

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