26 - Looking back on Mistakes (part 2)

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Some time had passed.I kept thinking about what Dominick said to me. What his plan was. and the thing that bothered me most.. Was the fact he tried to apologize for killing our child. How in god's name does he expect me to forgive him for such an act. And to give me false hope that he would treat me better when the child was born.  And to treat me as a normal woman? What rubbish! If I said one tiny thing out of line or didn't fallow certain instructions and didn't act like the wife he would expect me to be. I would sure to be beaten.

"Nathalie!" I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I found Erik face to face with me standing in front of where I was walking. I took a quick glance around to notice we were just outside of a town in a complete new area. i looked for Lucas who was no where in sight. before my chinwas grabbed forcefully to make look at Erik. Which I returned with a bitter growl and to pull away my chin and taking a step away from him. 

"What could you be possibly thinking! You should have let me kill the disgrace" Erik said angrily to me. I could tell he was going to let his anger out on me if I didn't take precautions.

"What do you expect me to do? He wasn't trying to hurt me." I said calmly but still avoiding looking at him. I was still very upset with him and would be for awhile.

"Wasn't trying to hurt you?" he mocked me dryly letting out his usual dry laugh.  "Really? and when were you going to explain to me about the child?" Erik questioned through gritted teeth. I looked at him narrowing my eyes.

"It's none of your concern!" I snapped.

"None of my concern!?" He questioned. "Nathalie! Look of all that I have told you and everything i've done for you!" He was about to continue but I cut him off.

"Don't even start with the "all I have done for you" bullshit!"I snapped. "Look back at what you have done! Look at how much you've hurt me! Be grateful I am here Erik because I can easily turn right around."

"Where would you go If you even did" He retorted

"I don't know. Maybe, just maybe I will go with Dominick. I'm pretty sure he's not too far down the road" I said started to turn before he had grabbed my shoulders to make me look at him and I pulled from him again walking over to a bench and taking a seat. 

-3rd person-

After Nathalie pulled away from Erik for the second time and walked over to a bench to hang her head in her hands. Erik passed taking a couple deep breaths and trying to calm down. He was upset and even tears were starting to build in his eyes. 

There was an intense silence around them before Erik slowly walked over to the bench sitting down next to Nathalie who sat there quietly.

"How many times do I need to apologize?" he asked but got no answer from Nathalie. "I really am sorry. I'm sorry for betraying you, and snapping at you so many times..." he sighed and looked down. "I'm just a little upset that you didn't tell me about... the child..." he looked away. "that he did things in that way.. that he hurt you in that manner" Erik looked down again hanging his head. Nathalie slowly looked up and over at him before looking away.

"I'm sorry too.." she started He looked up and over to her. "I'm sorry for hiding things. I'm sorry for worrying you, I'm sorry for everything..." her voice started to waver a bit indicating that she was going to cry. Erik slowly pulled her to his chest and rubbed her back a bit to try to calm her. This time she allowed the contact and allowed her emotions to flow rather than taking them and locking them away like she usually would...


I don't know how I came to love this girl. She angered me, she made me want to go back to my old ways of killing, but at the same time all I wanted to do was to be with her, to hold her and keep her as my own. All I wanted was to make her happy. But at the same time all I did was upset her and made her cry like this situation.

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