33 - Beneath a Moonless Sky

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I will put that section in [] so you know. and then I will put a small summary after in case you want the gist.))


I found myself back there. Back in france. Back in the Catacombs. Back in my lair. Back to my sollitude..

Back to the time where both Christine and Nathalie were gone from my life. Nathalie disappeared and Christine ran away with Raoul leaving me alone to my sollitude. Leaving me alone to my self loathing, self hatred, my lack of sanity, my lack of normality.

But something beneath the moonless sky happened during that time. I was awoken by a farmiliar voice, a farmiliar touch.. one I never thought I would ever feel, see or hear ever again. And yet. In that moment even with my search for Nathalie continueing I bent and fell into my lust and my dreams. And I remember the night all too well..

[ Next is the section I warned about but it is in the song ]

Skip to 2:35

Skip to 2:35

Once there was a night
Beneath a moonless sky
Too dark to see a thing
Too dark to even try

I stole to your side
tormented by my choice
I couldn't see your face
Yet trembled at your voice
And I touched you

And I felt you
And I heard those ravishing refrains
The music of your pulse
The singing in your veins

And I held you
And I touched you
And embraced you
And I felt you

And with every breath and every sigh
I felt no longer scared
I felt no longer shy
At last our feelings bared
Beneath a moonless sky

And blind in the dark
As soul gazed into soul
I looked into your heart
And saw you pure and whole

Cloaked under the night
With nothing to suppress
A woman and a man
No more and yet no less

And I kissed you
And caressed you
And the world around us fell away
We said things in the dark
We never dared to say

And I caught you
And I kissed you
And I took you
And I begged you

With a need too urgent to deny
And nothing mattered then
Except for you and I
Again and then again
Beneath a moonless sky

And when it was done
before the sun could rise
Ashamed of what I was, afraid to see your eyes
I stood while you slept
And whispered a goodbye
And slipped into the dark beneath a moonless sky

I remembered the night all too clearly. the actions. the feelings. the racing and the thoughts that ran through my mind the entire time. My hatred for myself but my love for christine clouding my vision and my love for nathalie. At that point I knew where she was I had been making a plan to save Nathalie from her prison. To save her from her torture. yet there I had been. Impure. Doing something I knew I would never forgive myself for doing.

And then suddenly I found myself sitting at a piano. In the living room of the apartment I had visited. The apartment where Christine lived.]

Summarry: Erik cheated while nathalie was locked away with Dominick. Christine had came back before she was due to be married to Raoul and she had been planning to admit her love and run away with Erik. But after their night together Erik hated himself and what he had done. So he left Christine while she slept and went to go find Nathalie and save her from her torture.

 And then suddenly I found myself sitting at a piano. In the living room of the apartment I had visited. The apartment where Christine lived.  With that all too farmiliar voice behind me.

And I loved you
Yes, I loved you
I'd have followed anywhere you led
I woke to swear my love
And found you gone instead!

And I loved you
(and I loved you)
And I left you
(how I loved you)

And I had to, both of us knew why
We both knew why
And yet I won't regret
From now until I die
The night I can't forget
Beneath a moonless sky

I woke with a start finding myself in a dark room, blankets messily thrown over my legs as I glanced around. Turning to the night stand and lighting a candle to find myself. Home. In my bed with.. Nathalie. My love, laying next to me sound asleep.

How could I have done something so awful to her... After eberything she had been through i still hurt her, again, and again... why...

((Sorry for the short chapter))

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