4 - The Roof

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"Amelia just listen to me please!" My mother yelled at me with tears in her eyes as I sat at the piano facing away from her. "I would never hurt you!" she said to me.

"Then why am I not allowed to go to a normal school?!" I yelled back at her.

"Nathalie. You know why we can't allow you to do that" She said to me as she walked over to me and set a gentle hand on my shoulder before I had swatted it away and stood up.

"No i don't understand! Just because I'm a girl i can't go to school?! I want to be able to learn. You hate me just admit it!" I said as I had ran off and locked myself in my bedroom slamming the door and quickly moving a desk to block the door so my mother couldn't get in.

"Amelia! Please! let me in..." I heard my mother go away as I had sat against the desk and sat in a ball.

"No go away I hate you!"

I woke up suddenly as I heard the talking of the chorus girls around me. I sighed heavily as I slowly sat up and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Meg looking down at me worriedly.

"is everything alright Nathalie?" she asked me and i looked down rubbing my eyes.

"I'm fine Meg thank you for your concern." I said softly before she had walked off.

It had been so long sense I dreamed of that. I felt tears brimming in my eyes as I looked down. Why was I such a spoiled brat when I was younger. I quickly wiped away the tears before getting up and pulling out the trunk that was under my bed. I looked down at it seeing the engraved name. 'Nathalie'.

I sigh and pull out a simple dark green dress to wear that day. Today I had also pulled the long hair into a loose pony tail behind my head with a dark green ribbon. I then pulled out my violin and had gone to rehearsals. We had started to work on a new opera. I looked over at meg who seemed rather happy.

"Oh Nathalie. We found Christien." She said walking up to me with a smile as she looked over my features "were you crying? You look flushed." I shook my head and went back to the subject of Christien.

"is she alright? When was she found?" I asked

"This morning. Shes in the dormitories resting. There are rumors that she was with the.." she said this a little softer "the phantom last night" She said. I raised an eyebrow.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I put the dots together. She doesn't know her tutors name and she calls him an Angel of music" Meg explained in a hushed tone so no one else could hear "Her teacher is the phantom" she explained. It made sense so I nodded before I was called by the conductor.

"Nathalie will you come here for a moment?" He asked me. I glanced over at meg.

"Go its alright" she said with a smile before I had walked over to the conductor.

"Ah miss Nathalie" He said with a smile down at me. "I wanted to give you your papers for the next opera we are going to be doing" He said as he handed me the papers. He seemed a little happier than usual. as I looked down at the papers.

"Um.. Monsieur. This says first Violin. I thought I was third" I questioned him as I looked up at him. He smiled at me a little more as I had taken notice of the.. premotion? I guess you can call it.

"I felt like giving you something that would more so challenge your abilities. I have taken notice to how quickly you learn the pieces I was giving you before." I smile happily up at him when he had said this before bowing a bit.

"Thank you Monsieur I'll be sure to learn it as soon as possible" I said. Today the band had off so I was planning on going into town but now I am a lot more eager to take a look at this music so I had gone straight upstairs to the roof where I had started to look at the music.

-Discontinued- A Guiding Hand (A Phantom Of The Opera Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now