8 - The Lair

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(This chapter I am writing on a phone so don't freak out too much please xD)

-erik's pov-

"Go ahead" I heard her say to me, giving me permission to look at the music she had brought up with her.

I reached down to the pile of paper sitting next to me as I looked down at the music. Copies of music from the opera Briggita. My eyes scanned over the part she had. I saw that she was still in first chair. It was rather interesting that she was able to hold that position for so long. It seemed that Monsieur area (don't yell at me I can't find his name) had taken a liking to her. At least I wasn't the only one who had.

I set down the music that went to Briggita and then saw the music that she had written herself. I looked over it reading what I had heard her play before, but I noticed there was more to it this time. She had added more to it.

I could imagine what it would sound like when she played and I found myself thinking of a piano accompaniment. I glanced over at her seeing that she was writing when an idea came to my mind.

I set down the papers again and waited for her to finish her thought. But soon I found myself staring at her once again like I had done the night before.

These past few weeks I have been wanting to talk to her more. Not only was she very beautiful she seemed like a very intelligent girl and that was something rare.

I found myself staring at her features when I had noticed that she was glaring at me. I chuckled at the sudden anger as I raised an eyebrow at her.

"If you don't mind me asking. Do you playing anything else?" Her glared had turned into curiosity as she tilted her head at me.

"Well I used to de able to play piano." She said pulling a price of her red hair behind her ear as she gazed at me.
-Nathalie's pov-

"Well I used to be able to play piano" I replied to his question as I chased my journal and pulled a price of hair behind my ear absent mindly

"Used to? What made you stop?" He asked me as I glanced over at him before thinking for a moment before replying.

"I haven't been able to get to a piano where I could practice." I said "I've been dying the write the piano accompaniment that I wanted to write to go along with my piece" I had said my really thinking before I looked away.

"I'm sure monsieur area would give you permission to use the piano in the main hall" I heard him say I had automatically looked down and felt myself shrink a bit.

"I'm too afraid to ask" I said without thinking before my hand that was wrapped around the top of the book tightened it's grip. "I'd be too afraid to play in front of anyone anyways" I said as most of my hair had fallen into my face. I thought I had heard him chuckle.

"Says the one who auditioned" he said and I could feel that he was just staring at me again which was making me feel uncomfortable once again. I looked up and at him.

"Well violin is a little different then piano" I said as I looked passed him and out towards Paris but I saw that he was a little confused by my statement.

"How so?" He asked
"I'm actually decent at playing violin compared to piano" I answered after s few moments of silence.

The silence continued and I looked down at my journal once again and I heard him standing and he had picked up my papers and violin case before offering my a hand

"Come, I wish to show you something" he had said I looked up at him and at his hand before hesitantly taking it. He kept a hold of my hand though as he lead me to a secret passage way that I had watched him use on multiple occasions. He opened it and lead me inside closing it behind us and I looked at him carrying my things when I had offered.

"Do you want me to carry something?" I asked as he shook his head at me and co to used to lead me along a dark path and down some stairs.

"It's fine" he said. The rest of the way to wherever we were going was silent but it wasn't the uncomfortable silence we usually shared, or at least it was uncomfortable for me. For what I could tell of him he had seemed rather relaxed when I had seen him. But then again that could have just been an act.

I spent the time as we walked looking around, there were cobwebs, bones, and rats along the edges of the path. But these things didn't freak me out sense o was used to this sort of thing from my time on the streets. He seemed to have taken notice of me not jumping when a rat ran across our path, but he only glanced at me before continuing to lead me along.

We soon cam across what seemed to be a type of river. A boat laid in waiting as he got onto the boat he let go of my hand as he set the violin and papers down and picked up a large rod to steady the boat before offering me his gloved hand once again and helped me get on to the boat. I sat down and he rowed along.

I had heard about the catacombs and many du veins that laid under Paris but I had never actually been able to see them for myself before. I found myself looking around in awe.

This was the sort of thing I loved. Being able to see and experience new things. I just found this a beautiful sight as I looked around and glanced over to Erik who had been focusing on getting us to our destination, I smiled a bit.

What was it about him? I usually never wanted to get to know people more than what me and meg were. But for some reason I wanted to know more about him. He was mysterious and what I had heard Christine describe of him "his eyes held the sadness of the world" I found to be somewhat true. But why is what I wanted to know was why.

Though I knew from my own experiences that prying into someone's past is not a good thing so I decided that in time if it was needed that I know, I would find out.

-Discontinued- A Guiding Hand (A Phantom Of The Opera Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now