9 - Partners?

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I had been planning to bring Nathalie to my lair. I wanted to see if she could still play and if she might allow me to help her in her writing. It was true she had potential and I wanted to help her.

"Do you mind telling me what exactly it was you wanted to show me?" I heard her voice echo through the room we were in as I was moving the boat along to its destination. I looked back at her seeing she was looking up at me with her green eyes. I felt myself smile a bit.

"I want to show you some of my work. Sense you were kind enough to let me look at yours" I said as I saw the turn coming up that lead into the lair.

The normal large chandelier as rose from the water and lit I glanced back to see Nathalie looking around in awe as she saw everything that was here. Really it was nothing much.

"This is amazing!" She chimed as I brought us to shore and laid down the rod before stepping outside the boat and offered her a hand to help her out of her of the boat. She hesitantly took my hand after she had grabbed her things and stepped out from the boat. I had noticed that her hands were cold even through the gloves I was wearing. It was strange that she hadn't caught cold with her actions.

"It's nothing" I said as she stepped out of the boat and onto shore as she looked around.

"Nothing?!" She questioned me looking over at me. "You call this nothing?" She asked me and I smiled faintly to her enthusiasm. "I would call this beautiful" she said as she smiled and adjusted the papers in her hands.


This was absolutely breath taking! The art, all the candles, the way the candles lit on their own! I had never seen anything like this before.

I watched as Erik walked up some steps that lead to a work desk. He sat down and looked over at me. I felt myself smile as I looked around and noticed his model of the stage of the opera house. I stared at it as I saw Carlotta and Christine made in small figurines. As well as the other members of the opera house.

I felt Erik's eyes watching every move I made as I bent my back a little bit forward so I could see the model a little better before I looked back over to him and smiled making my way over to the stairs and walked up them to where he was sitting.

"It's quite lovely here." I said as he smiled faintly at me. He then reached out to take my things which I allowed except for my journal which stayed in my hands. But he didn't seem bothered by that.

He set aside the music to Briggita and looked at the piece I was working on. He scanned over it again before looking back at me and asking.

"You said you wanted to write a piano accompaniment to this piece correct?" He asked me I simply nodded in reply as he then asked. "How would you feel if I were to write it?" I felt my cheeks heat up a bit sense I didn't know what to say. I looked down thinking for a moment. I never actually written with anyone else before. But this could be my chance to get to k ow him a little better. I looked back at him seeing he was waiting for my reply. Though I really couldn't put it into words so I just smiled at him and nodded. He seemed pleased with my answer.

"Well. Shall we begin?" He asked me as I nodded once again and opened up my violin case as he turned to face his piano and placed fresh music sheets on the stand and the first page of my piece next to the blank one

We spent a long time working on the first page and after awhile of learning to work together and suggesting things I started to relax and didn't feel so on edge with Erik.

There was a point we had decided to take a break and we had just started to talk about trivial things. Some things we have talked about before, like our mutual hatred for la Carlotta and her dramatic ways, as well as the owners of the opera house.

I glanced over at the work desk he had and saw a rather large folder sitting there with the name Daun Juan Triumphant (don't yell at me if I spelt that wrong) written on it. I was rather curios and he seemed to have noticed my gaze had changed from looking at him to his desk.

"Is that one of your works?" I asked looking back at him . He glanced over at the folder before back at me
"Yes, I had started writing an opera in my free time." He answered and I felt myself smile a bit as I looked back at him.
"Can I take a look?" I asked he nodded and stood up and stepped out of my way so I could walk to his desk and open the folder. I saw a title that had caught my attention. "The point of no return" I didn't realize I had muttered this under my breath. I scanned over the notes and had even hummed the tune softly before I had looked back at him as he was down by his sculpture of the opera houses stage "it's beautiful" I said as he stood up straight and looked back at me before smiling softly. But the expression faded quickly as he gazed at me

"We should be getting you back. You'll need rest" he said though I frowned a bit. I had started to enjoy his prescience and working with him. It was rather interesting.

He offered me his gloved hand once again and he lead me off to another secret passage way one that had lead to the prima Donna room where I remember Meg had told me there was a secret passage. I looked out through what seemed to be glass before looking back at him.

"When will we see again so we can work on the piece?" I asked him as he looked down at me. He had to be at least a head taller than me and I wasn't even wearing heels that day.

"Tomorrow" he answered simply as he reached out to the glass and slid it to the side so I could step out "Goodnight Nathalie, we can meet on the roof tomorrow" he explained to me and I looked back to him and smiled.

"Alright, until tomorrow." I had said with a soft smile.
"Until tomorrow" he replied I had turned to leave the prima Donna room as I heard the glass being closed and I glanced back to see that just on this side it wasn't see through glass, it was a simple mirror.

I felt myself smile before I had left the room and closed the doors behind me. I then headed upstairs to the dormitories and had laid down after changing into my night dress before pulling out my book that I had bought earlier that day and began reading.

(Sorry if these next couple chapters are short I am still writing on a phone)

-Discontinued- A Guiding Hand (A Phantom Of The Opera Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now