28- 10 long years

165 3 1

((We are getting into the part of this story where it will line up with the sequel of the phantom of the opera, "Love Never Dies". Unless you want spoilers then keep reading, if not then go on youtube and look it up you won't regret it.))

In a rather large kitchen in a building unknown to us, Nathalie sat on a stool, wearing a white cream colored dress that had no sleeves to allow her to move her arms correctly. She was baking something, rolling out dough or something like that. She was humming a soft tune that was in her mind as she worked away, a golden ring adorned her left hands ring finger as she worked away.

"Mama! Mama!" She heard her daughter in the other room call.

"One moment Anastasia." Nathalie called in returned as she took down the heat on the stove that was boiling a tea kettle before she had gotten up and dusted some flower off from herself as she walked into another large room, a living room where a girl with  long beautiful blonde hair and bright blue eyes sat at the piano. "What is it my dear?" Nathalie asked.

"Mama I figured it out!" The young girl said excitedly. Se had to be maybe 6 years old as she played a tune from the music she was leaning to read, the tune to masquerade. She was only doing the melody but Natalie smiled and walked up behind her child.

"Keep playing okay." Nathalie said as she rapped her arms around the girl to the keys on both sides of her and started playing two different chord parts to go along with what her little girl was playing.

Masquerade! paper faces on parade!

Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you!

Masquerade! Every face a different shade.

Masquerade. Look around there's another mask behind you.

Anastasia giggled lightly as she turned around and hugged her mother after she and herself got done singing part of the tune. Nathalie hugged her back and kissed her forehead before saying. "I love you my little song bird" Nathalie said before ruffling her daughters hair "Keep practicing I'm going to go work on our lunch" She said with a small smile before getting a nod from Nathalie who did just as she was told, she was a good girl.

She walked into the kitchen and started to prepare Erik some food, making him a cup of tea just the way he liked it. She put a couple heart shaped cookies that she had made on a smaller plate next to the cup of tea, then a larger plate of food next to it. She then smiled at a though as she picked up a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a note to him. Folding it in half and then writing his name with a few hearts next to it before setting it by the plate with cookies.

"Good afternoon Mrs Destler." nathalie perked up at the sound of her new last name to see Ms Giry standing at a door that lead down to the make shift lair they had for Erik.

"Oh Madame Giry, Could you do me a huge favor?" She asked tilting her head.

"What is it child." Nathalie chuckled at what Madame giry called her as she picked up the tray. 

"Do you mind taking this down to Erik? Anastasia needs to be taken to her lessons and I was planning on walking her today. Then I will be back to rehearsals once I drop her off." Madame Giry nodded and took the tray. "Thank you Madame I appreciate it." 

Nathalie went back to Her daughter who was sitting on the piano.

Nathalie went back to Her daughter who was sitting on the piano

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