18 - God Help The Outcast (reprise)

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(I don't own the Hunchback of Notre Dame or the Phantom Of The Opera this is merely a fan fiction)


A couple days had passed sense I had awakened completely. I had just witnessed one of Dominick's drunken beatings and.. Other things... After he was done with me he had gotten up and spat on me as he looked down at me.

"God wouldn't even help an Black Sheep like you, filthy whore!" I felt tears building in my eyes as he left me alone once again. I looked down trying to will the pain I was feeling away.

I thought back to my past while living on the street. How words like that had been spoken to me and the people I had been staying with, on the streets of France... I remembered their pain and their stories.. Even worse than what I was going through.. I knew I was better off. I at least had food and shelter from the weather. They didn't even have that.

I don't know if you can hear me
Or if your even there
I dot know if you would listen
To a Abandoned girl's prayer
Yes I know I'm just an outcast...
I shouldn't speak to you..
But still I look at your face and wonder
Were you an outcast too?

I was never really religious because of my parents never letting me leave my house. But I wondered if I had made it this far just out of pure luck or if I had been blessed by God..

God help the outcast
Hungry from birth
Show them the mercy they don't find on earth
God help those people
We look to you still
God help the outcast
Or nobody will...

I thought back to the women who was kind enough to let me stay with their family. They were kind and gentle. They shared what little they had and they showed me kindness I had never received sense my mothers death.

I thought back to the shellfish people I had met while I was a noble. How they were spoiled with riches and blessing said to be given to them by "God"

I ask for nothing
I can get by
But I know so many
Less lucky than I
Please help those people
The poor and down trod
I thought we all were
The children of God
God help the outcasts
Children of god

I thought of Erik and what he must have been through to make him be alone in the catacombs. He must have had it as bad as the people I had found myself praying for. I wish I could have helped them but I couldn't do anything while being chained.

I hung my head low as I had run out of tears to shed at this point as my body ached I thought back to at one point from Dominick he had showed me kindness but that was only when I carried his child. For awhile he was kind until the child was born.. What he did then... Was a terrible.. Terrible thing... Dominick was a murderer one that shouldn't be alive. I had to wonder how many women he had done that too..


I traveled for days without stopping. I didn't care I just needed to find Nathalie and get her out of whatever situation she was in. If Dominick had laid a hand on her i was perfectly okay with breaking a promise I had made to myself. Awhile ago I had promised myself that I would not kill anyone again. For Nathalie's sake. I didn't want her to see the monster I could be. But I knew for a fact that I wouldn't be able to control myself if I had found that he had harmed her.

I thought back to a book that I had read a long time ago during my time of being locked away in a house with my mother and her loathing gaze. That was something me and Nathalie had in common. Both being locked away at a young age to not be able to see the world and be able to explore. I remember what my mother had said to me when I asked her if I would be able to go outside.

My mother reminded me of the Priest from The Hunchback Of Notre Dame. How she locked me away saying that it was a kindness to me saying that the world was wicked and that people wouldn't be able to except me for my deformity. My mother said that I would be her only friend and that I would never be able to fit into her society. Though she was wrong. Nathalie was the only one who excepted me. Unlike me mother.

I finally reached the Radley's estate in the country. I tied my horse to a tree a good distance away from the estate. I wasn't sure where exactly she would be but i remembered in her journal, though I felt guilty enough that I had read it. But I needed the clues to be able to find her. She would probably be in the basement locked away. I gritted my teeth at the thought of her tied up like an animal. The anger building up in the pit of my stomach as i walked slowly to estate. 

Luckily I knew how to put people down without killing them. Which I would probably have to do to a couple guards. it was late so Dominick was probably asleep. As well as many others. I would need to find my way to Nathalie. Maybe I'd be able to get out of there without killing anyone.


I sat alone in the cold dark cellar I was tied in. My wrists were rubbed raw from my struggling I was covered in bruises and I was bleeding a lot. I was feeling weak. I was probably going to faint, Maybe for once I could get some rest but it wouldn't help that much.

I heard a click as I had struggled and I looked over to where it came from. The bracelete... It was still there.. why had Dominick not taken it away like he did everything else? Thats when I heard the soft chimes of a soft tune coming from the bracelete...

I smiled a sad smile as I listened to the tune. I thought of Erik and everything that had happened between me and him. I missed him so much and I didn't know if I would ever be able to see him again.

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