Chemically Platonic (07) Personification & Testosterone

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"Why aren't you eating?" I asked Sam as he highlighted another section on my English paper. I had calculated how high of grades I needed on my next assignments and on my final in order to pass the classes. They were higher numbers then I had expected.

                     Every day graduation was getting closer and every day I was getting closer to actually graduating.

                     "This isn't half bad," Sam said although I could still see the red writing scribbled in between my paragraphs, "all things considered." His eyes rose looking over the paper before he glanced back down.

                    I could see his cheeks perk up, almost as if he was smiling behind the paper. Reaching across the table I pulled my paper down to reveal his face. I had only gotten a small visual before he gave me a concerned face.

                   "What are you doing?" he asked inquisitively.

                  "I thought that I might actually catch you smiling for a change." With my words I could see Sam start to blush making his freckles more predominate. They were scattered across his face but mainly across his noise and the balls of his checks. They even trickled down his neck and across his chest.

                   "I smile," he insisted maneuvering my assignment so he could continuing to read it.

                    I expected to feel as if I was under scrutiny when Sam read my paper; like he would just toss it back in my face and tell me the lines I was used to, like who dumb I was and how I lacked any initiative. Instead he sat quickly until he was finished reading it.

                    Although, it looked like my cousins had drawn all over it; there wasn't an ounce of disapproval in Sam.

                    Sam slid my assignment back across the table. He spun it so it appeared upright for me.

                     "I'd give you a B- on it," he coughed on his water before tapping on the top right hand corner where he had written the grade.

                       "That's great," I exclaimed enjoying hearing something positive for a change.

                        The two of us were only picking at our food by now. We had both agreed that getting our families involved would make this much more complicated than it had to be. The cat was out of the bag at school and that was enough drama for the two of us to handle.

                       "The introduction is pretty solid. It has a good foundations but you need more proof to back up your statements and ideas. There is also some spelling mistakes that need to be fixed. Take a second look at it and make the changes before you hand it in tomorrow," he spoke calmly as my excitement started to deflate the more he spoke.

                      "So it wasn't good?" I asked him as the waitress came over to check on us. We had been sitting her for over two hours. The library and the study center had grown old quickly. Everyone knew where we were which meant that we were never alone anymore.

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