Chemically Platonic (14) Yours and Mine

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 "Well, Come on in," I laughed at Sam as he gave me a weary stare. His eyes shifted from me to inside the house. He was hesitant about coming inside.

I held open my front door, my shoes already removed and set aside. Tilting my head sideways I gave him a smile. He seemed more nervous stepping into my house than I did his. He rubbed the toes of his shoes against the concrete steps.

"It's getting cold, come in," I murmured fidgeting. By the time Sam and I were done on the courtyard and home, it was dark outside. The breeze as sweeping into the house making me shiver.

"Are your parents okay with me coming into the house? When there not home?" Sam raised an eyebrow to the wild smirk displayed across my face when he asked.

My posture shifted as I put my hand on my hip, still propping the door open for him. He kept his weary stare on me, still unsure.

"I wouldn't know. They aren't here to ask." I winked enjoying the cat and mouse game we were always playing.

Out reaching my hand, I grabbed onto the collar of Sam's shirt, pulling him into the house. He stumbled slightly over the step but eventually he stopped digging his heels into the ground. "Jesus," I groaned at the amount of effort it took to get him into the house.

"Stop being such a pain in the ass. What are you so worried about anyways?" I questioned giving him a harsh stare. Was he that concerned to be alone in my house with me? Maybe he calculated the chances that I was a serial killer.

He stood stiffly once he was inside the house, standing a foot away from me. Calmly, he slid his shoes, bending over to put them onto of mine. When he rose there was a goofy smile across his face, "Well I'm a little worried you might try to take advantage of me. You know. Since you like me so much," he smirked, chuckling at his smart-alike remark.

Without hesitation my hand smacked his shoulder, "behave yourself," I hissed as laughter broke out. Sam bit his lip making me knee's shake more than they should have.

"And I said that I like you. I didn't say you were the marshmallows to my s'mores or anything," I corrected him, "and also it's not taking advantage of you if one, we have a contract and two, you want me to take advantage of you." I flashed another playful wink, enjoying the different array of pink to red blush his face displayed.

"A contract that you didn't read," he pointed out as I headed into the house.

I could feel Sam following behind me. Cranking my neck I looked at Sam before saying, "I still signed it so who cares," I laughed remembering the ratted and worn coiled notebook.

Sam and I had come a long way since our first encounter after Chemistry class while I was sitting rotting in detention. First things first, I had gotten a single detention since then; which, pleased my parents. Sam and I had also become good friends.

"There could be a lot of clauses that are hidden in there that you signed up for." Sam seemed to be in a good mood since we left the courtyard. The ego boost in front of Dawson was enough for Sam to be skipping on cloud nine.

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