Chemically Platonic (17) The Haribson Bunch

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            "Jesus, Sam. Stop fidgeting," I murmured as my hand pressed firmly onto his thigh. Even with all the pressure I was applying, Sam's leg continued to bounce. It vibrated my arm rattling my bones.

"I can't," he hissed under his breath although it was hard to hear your own thoughts over the chatter.

When the Harbison's got together it was never something quiet or discreet. Our whole block was accustomed to shutting their windows and refraining from using their decks or patios. With 7 children, 8 grandchildren and the casual added guests I.E Atticus' dates; we were always a full house.

"Just relax," I cooed but it didn't seem to matter how kind my voice was. Sam continued to shake, afraid of all the people surround him. This was my family. My crazy, wacky extended family.

Maybe this should have been a gradual introduction. The whole Harbison household was a lot to take in at once.

"It'll be fine," I reassured him with a smile as my mother and father brought the last of the food through the double patio doors and into the garden house. The plates were overflowing and pitchers of drinks were scattered among our currently empty plates.

"Hey. Hands above the table at all times," Gerald barked his order, shooting Sam a glare that froze him in place for only a moment. Sam tense up, his muscle clenching under my hand.

"Gerald," Penny badgered him, punching him in the shoulder. "Play nice with the fresh meat," she snickered giving Sam a playful glance. He was the most entertaining topic of discussion.

Any lead way in a calm demeanor for Sam was pulled out from under his feet. His doe-eyes were wide. The expression was always comical and put a smirk across my face. Gerald and Penny were the ones I was worried about the most. Both were strong headed and weren't shy about saying anything. But yet again, that describes most of my family.

"Oh come on, Gerald." I responded with a smirk, leaving my hand exactly where it was placed. "Until there is food in front of my face there is nothing interesting above this table," I joked mischievously, wiggling my eyebrows.

Sam's jaw dropped, shocked that I had said such a thing in front of my own family. He immediately raised his hands above the table, resting his wrist against the table cloth. We all got a chuckle out of his actions.

"Jesus, Juliette," my mom hissed from behind me as she set something down to my right. Her hand touched Sam's shoulder, gripping it tightly. He turned and gave her the best smile he could muster.

"I'm not sure how she turned out this way," she apologized for my rude behavior. Something both my parents have been doing since I learned to speak. Honestly you'd think being raised with six bothers could have had a key role in my development.

"I'm starting to think Juliette is her middle name," Cindy laughed getting a rye out of the crowd. There was an obvious reason why are neighbors stayed inside. We were a vulgar bunch.

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