Chemically Platonic (08) A, B, C, D & DD

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"This is not an amusing conversation, Sam. I hope you understand the accusations," the principal cleared her voice more frightened by Sam's outburst of laughter then accusing the star pupil of cheating.

Both of us starred at Sam like he was crazy. Even though I had gotten used to Sam's bizarre behaviors this was out of the ordinary. We both had just been thrown into an interrogation and Sam is laughing like the Joker laughs at Batman's threats.

The principal and I exchanged a concerned glance. Both contemplating his sanity as his hackles eventually lessened to a low chuckle.

"Are you really insinuating that I wrote this English paper for Juliette?" He snorted and I quickly punched his arm, Sam barely reacting to my behavior.

"Don't be an asshole," I punching him again as he rubbed his now sore deltoid.

"Language," the principal shrieked offended that I'd swear in front of her.

"Sorry," I apologized quickly not wanted to get the pair of us in anymore trouble then we already were, although, we shouldn't be in trouble for anything.

Her face lightened after taking a couple deep breathes. Sam and I sat quietly on the other side of her large desk in the chairs I was more than familiar with.

I had been put here many times; warnings about skipping school, not having my grades up and getting into fights, whereas Sam most likely got phrased and given awards every time he was called into the office.

"Back on topic," Sam cleared his voice, sitting upright in his chair, "I promise you that I did not write this essay for her. I did go over it and make corrects so she could fix it and make it better but that's all I did." Sam looked over at me giving me a consoling glance that merged into a sheepish smirk.

"The fact that you'd think I'd submit an A- paper is also a little disheartening," he laughed stating the facts before he shifted away from my reach, afraid that I would slung him in the shoulder again. It was tempting -he had made the right move.

My face crinkled up giving him the stink eye until the thought dawned on me. An A- paper? I had actually gotten an A- paper. I gave Sam a surprised look, my eyes budging out of my head.

"An A?" I exclaimed, slapping my knee in excitement.

"A minus," Sam corrected although he smiled in delight at my enthusiasm.

"Really?" I looked towards the principal who as well gave me a shy smile before nodding her head.

"Okay." I cleared my voice smiling towards the principal, "I tried on this paper and I did good. Doesn't that just prove that this is working and that I'm putting forth the effort?" I asked her with pleading eyes.

Chemically PlatonicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz