Chemically Platonic (13) Shirts & Skins

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If there was any place that I didn't expect to find Sam, playing on a basketball court made at least the top ten. Personally, I didn't feel like Sam was comfortable playing any kind of sport let alone physical activity that involved getting close to another individual.

Even with all my doubts, I knew that my eyes weren't that deceitful. Getting relaxed, I propped myself up upon the bleachers, letting my legs out stretch onto the pavement. Sam and Dawson dribbled across the court playing one-on-one. They were so engrossed in their game that they hadn't noticed my late arrival. I wouldn't have even known what time to get here if Dawson hadn't texted me back. Sam apparently wasn't interested in the pleasantries of replying.

I watched the two of them attempt to outdo the other, scoring their own baskets, laughing at each other. Sitting on the sidelines I enjoyed observing them. Sam seemed genuine here; much like when he's with me. He seemed comfortable... well as comfortable as Sam could be wearing a loose fitting t-shirt and shorts.

"Hey, you showed," I heard Dawson call out as he rushed after the orange ball that was slowly rolling towards me and the out of bounds line. He crouched low to the ground, swooping the ball up. Instead of passing it back and continuing the game he put the ball on his hip.

"Well, no thanks to someone," I hissed watching Sam jog over towards Dawson and I.

Dawson raised an eyebrow but didn't question my comment any further. Both the boys stopped to grab a drink of water. Each of them downed a bottle quickly, breathing heavy when they were done.

"I didn't think you were coming," Sam spoke in a strange raspy voice that was foreign to me.

"Well I was invited wasn't I?" I questioned watching both the boy's reaction. Dawson, was nodding his head profusely whereas Sam was avoiding my gaze.

Maybe Sam didn't want me here to begin with?

I could feel my brows furrow as I glanced at Sam. He was too busy pretending to pay attention to the people that were walking by instead of me. Sam wasn't known for his poker face but it was blatantly obvious that he was avoiding me for some reason. I replayed the past several days in my mind and I couldn't think of anything I did to make Sam act so strange.

Well come on, this was Sam. Everything he did was strange.

"Wanna join us?" Dawson asked; which, made Sam cringe.

I had predicted some sort of sport-like activing; coming prepared wearing loose sweats and a high ponytail. The curious look stayed on my face as I rose. To say that I debated it long and hard whether I would put Sam through whatever hell he was preparing himself for was a complete fabrication.

Rising to the occasional –literally- I gave Dawson a smile, "Only if I get to be skins," I said being cheeky, tossing my bag with theirs.

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