Chemically Platonic (26) Tempting Algorithms

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"Why do you guys keep staring at me?" I asked sitting in the library with Violet, Bailee and Winnie. Each had such a girlish gleam in their eyes it was hard to ignore. They sat across the library table like vultures waiting to pick my bones once I passed.

With raised eyebrows, I continued to chew my lunch. If they didn't want to speak than they would get no response from me. I slurped my chocolate milk until the cartoon was empty.

Annoyed with their wide eyes and furious demeanor I took it upon myself to be the bigger person. My eyes narrowed at them trying to psychically read their minds. When I was found to have no supernatural powers, I reverted to speech.

"Well," I responded after a long silence passed. Getting down to business I set down my plastic fork and pushed my tray away from me. My arms crossed and eyes narrowed onto them.

"Out with it than. Sam has yet to teach me telepathy so until that happens you guys are going to have to use your words." I felt as if I was speaking to toddlers.

The girls exploded in a fit of chuckles that I wouldn't have expected. Violet was an overly flirty girl always speaking about romance and love but Bailee, although constantly attached to Tyler, wasn't one to giggle like a school girl. This was a strange afterschool special; possibly a case of body snatchers.

"I think we were just curious as what you and Sam do on your late night study dates," Violet asked with a cheeky wink.

"Very very late nights," Winnie snickered, elbowing Bailee.

I smirked thinking about our very very late night yesterday. It was such a crazy couple hours inside Sam's room. We had discussed too many things to list with too many emotions to pin down. 

There was a big part of me that wanted to spill dirty details or there to have been dirty details to tell and I felt guilty about it. Argh, my brain just wouldn't quiet down with these thoughts.    

"Is that what you guys are batting your eyelashes at? Want juicy details about studying algorithms and the occasional make out session?" I joked with them. It was rare that just the girls got together without the boys.

Joel had some cinema project he needed help on. The boys had found it rather interesting but debating quality of pixels wasn't fascinating for me.

"Algorithms stop being a thing after midnight. When Sam drives you home at nearly two morning we start getting suspicious as to who it tutoring who." Violets insinuation was humorous. I had forgotten she lived across the street from Sam.

"And on what subjects," Winnie giggled.

I smirked, "Do you have nothing better to do than talk about people's sex lives." Their mouths dropped. Violet's hands banged on the table. "... or lack thereof," I added to clear up any miscommunication of the sorts.

I'm sure Mr. and Mrs. Biggs had another awkward conversation with their son this morning. The sex talk was something me and my mother had early on, in fact, she was thrilled after six boys. I couldn't imagine the sheer red shade Sam's face would be turning the birds and the bees.

"Oh come on. No details at all?" Violet whined.

"Maybe if there were details to tell. What about you? Any good news from hot Italian guy?" I attempted to change the subject but the ladies seemed rather focused on my social life.

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