Chemically Platonic (12) Out of Context

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"How do you not get it?" Sam groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair once again, frustrated as he tried to teach me.

We had been at this for almost an hour now. It seemed like the longer we worked the worse my comprehension was getting. In the beginning the concepts were easy to get. The formulas were already half memorized but the theory was missing. It was easier for Sam to fill in the blanks. Now he was teaching me all new material.

"Sam," I whined. "Can't we take a break," I groaned almost inaudible as I rested my head against the tables of the library. Frustrated, I had already shoved my textbook far across the table.

My arms wrapped around my skull, grabbing onto my shoulders; tucking my body into a small neat little package. I didn't need to look at Sam to know the hopeless expression he had across his face.

"It doesn't make sense. I need a break," I insisted muttering into the table hoping that he could hear and understand through my gritted teeth.

Things were easy when I was understanding the concepts. Sam felt paramount and I felt a sense of achievement. Now both of us were starting to feel defeated.

"Fine," Sam sighed as I heard him ruffle papers. "Maybe we should take a break and get something to eat. I'll grab something and be back." I listened carefully to the chair scrapping against the floor as Sam got up.

I felt his presence as he hesitated, hovering over me. At this moment I felt inconsolable. Like I feared eventually this tutoring thing would fail and I would be left stuck here for another year of hell.

"Fuck," I muttered to myself sitting up in the chair. I ran my fingers down my face dragging it down before its elastic quality snapped it back into its proper place. The hopeless feeling was overwhelming. Not even someone as smart as Sam could help me especially if I couldn't help myself.

I groaned again even if no one was there to hear it. Reaching across the table I slid my textbook back over. Now that it sat in front me it didn't even appear to be English; not even the pictures were making sense. Sam was in the midst of teaching me how to calculate kinetic energy but it all went through one hear and out the other.

Why couldn't I focus?

"Hey Juliette." The voice saved me from grabbing the textbook and throwing it clear across the library.

When the individual sat across the table from me it gave me an excuse to close the book.

"Dawson," I greeted kindly, surprised to see him in the library without Amber attached to him.

Amber and Dawson were the staple couple. Most of the time it was difficult to handle one without the other. People were so used to seeing them together that I was looking over my shoulder waiting for Amber to appear. She'd be the perfect target practice for my textbook but she wasn't in sight.

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