Chemically Platonic (29) Waking Up

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Waking up to Sam was surreal. After Amber's ridiculous party and extra circular activities at Sam's house, we had fallen asleep on the lumpy old sofa. His face was so peaceful like a calm starry night sky filled with constellations as his freckles. It was charming to see him without worry or stress; both of which were bond deep into his DNA. Although as entertaining as he was flustered, this was very new.

I spent what felt like hours staring and admiring his features in the glow of the title screen of the movie neither of us watched but I knew I had to leave the warmth of his embrace eventually.

With a heavy sigh, I slipped away from a heavy arm and a propped up knee that incased me. It felt like when I have to sneak away from my nieces or nephews to avoiding waking them. After my struggle I looked back to see a still sleeping Sam softly snoring.

Knowing this basement inside and out made it easy to tiptoe around furniture and out the front door undetected. The cold bit me harshly as I wrapped my trench coat tightly around me. A 3am march was brisk never mind in a mini skirt, combat boots and trench coat.

With a smile on my face I remembered Sam and I and soon the cold didn't faze me.

"Juliette." My name was called out from the window of a car parked part way down the street from me.

I had hopes it would be a familiar van with Sam behind the wheel but those hopes were short lived. Typically, I don't head towards any car calling my name at this time of night but I recognized the blue SUV by the plethora of band stickers plastered across the trunk.

Waltzing up to the SUV, I slung my arms over the opened passenger window. The heat radiating from the vehicle was appreciated.

I sighed, "What Kiran?" The annoyance well heard in my voice but I wasn't that annoyed to see him. Not even he could ruin my night at this point.

Kiran leaned over to the passenger side to speak to me, his hand still resting on the steering wheel. His music streaming out the rolled down window to his SUV that I was well accustomed too. Tattoos wrapped around his arms as I took note of the new additions. His face was soft opposite to the heavy metal background music.

"What are you doing walking at..." he glanced at his dash board, "3:38 at night?"

A smirk came to my face, "Same thing you're doing at 3:38 at night." I assumed he was either smoking pot or hooking up with someone.

For as long as I could remember Kiran wasn't a relationship type of guy. He was full of hook-ups, casual conversations and occasional pleasantries but never anything that required commitment. Of course that kind of damage is what attracts most women to him. They think he needs fixing but when we were together I never tried. He accepted me as much as I did him until we no longer worked.

Kiran raised a mischievous eyebrow, "Oh so you're driving home from a blonde named Bridgette's house?" he asked inquisitively.

I let out a small half-hearted laugh. Kiran was in his second year of college and living the life most people dreamed of. He was smart enough, handsome enough and could talk is way through anything. The allure of your older brother's punk rock best friend was too tempting for me back then... but now I had Sam and there was no comparison.

"Maybe I got there after you to finish what you couldn't," I sneered.

Unlike Sam, I knew I could never rattle Kiran's cage. We both had a sick sense of humor and we're worse together then apart.

Chemically PlatonicOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora