Chemically Platonic (24) Worth It

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            There was a strange hue of silence inside Dawson's car. It engulfed us, making every cough, grunt or shift in position awkward. Sam and I sat squished in the backseat amongst Dawson's sports bags, it was littered with garbage in typical teenage boy fashion.

We exchanged a glance.

Sam smirked, bringing his freckled cheek into an adorable grin. My arm wrapped about his forearm tightly. Leaning in, I whispered, "Maybe I was wrong about the fun part."

Sam laughed in response.

My fingers tightened once again, leaning my head onto his shoulder. It bumped along with each pot hole and turn but I hadn't been this comfortable in a long while. Cuddling wasn't something Sam did. Maybe he just didn't know how.

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked Amber, breaking the overwhelming silence.

"We are going on a triple date with Joel and Winnie," Amber answered in a stern voice followed by mumbling.

I could only imagine what kind of ridiculous fight had caused the tension between them. Amber requiring a verbal buffer was rare. If I remembered correctly Amber could and would talk any ones ear off, Dawson's especially.

"I know who we're going with. I want to know where," I clarified my question firmly.

Amber turned her piercing gaze off Dawson and towards the two of us. Sam stiffened, terrified of her glance. I refused to coward away from the likes of her. Long ago, I had vowed never to let people with her put me down; even if they were disguised as friends.

"I thought we would have a blast from the past and go to Gemma's," she grinned as if to rub it in my face. Amber knew that Gemma's would bring up old memories of Kiran. She must be waiting so patiently to bring him up.

The tension continued when we walked into Gemma's. Familiar rattles, electronic buzzes and excited shrieks rang into our ears as lights flickered and flashed. Still holding tightly onto Sam's arm we followed out waitress to our booth, passing air hockey tables, pool tables and the old arcade machines. Joel and Winnie were already waiting for us.

"Hey, cool shirt," The waitress spoke from behind me.

"Thanks," Sam muttered awkwardly.

Turning my head I gave the young girl a sharp glare before sitting down next to Winnie. With an oomph we all filed through into the vintage red leather booth.

"Juliette, ah my gorgeous," Winnie chimed loudly, leaning over and planting a quick kiss to my cheek. I froze initially, not knowing what action was supposed to follow.

With wide eyes and raised eyebrows I looked at her. "You're gonna have to get me drunk if you wanna do that again," I laughed giving Winnie and Joel a wink.

They seemed generally happy. Joel had his arm slung around her shoulder and she was has happy as ever. Could have swarm they had been dating for years instead of weeks. I smiled at the thought of looking that happy.

"I would pay to see that," Dawson chuckled, unleashing his teenage boy hormones.

"Shut up," Winnie and I hissed in unison.

"You're the one that put the picture in my head."

"Anyways," Winnie said long and drawn out. Her fingers thumbing her forearm.

"What brings you two out of hiding?" Winnie asked as the waitress placed our drinks on the table we shared.

I raised an eyebrow at the term "hiding".

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