Chemically Platonic (32) Sam the Adventure Man

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Tyler leaned into the driver's seat laying into the horn repeatedly until inevitably losing interest. With a thud he sat back into the passenger seat searching out the window, awaiting Sam's arrival. We're all packed, amped and ready to get this weekend over with. For the rest of our motley crew, this was just a bothersome seniors camping trip; an end to an era.

It was understandable Sam was taking his time. He has packed, re-packed and organized all his belongings more times than anyone with sense would and now was hesitating.

"God, what is taking him so long?" Bailee groaned from the back row verbalizing our united announce.

"Anyone else picturing Sam dressed as Dora the Explorer tearing apart Backpack and yelling at The Map?" I asked trying to lighten the mood, contemplating Sam's coyness.

After a collective laugh Violet finally urged me to go get him.

"If he wasn't the one with the van I would have left him in the dust a long time ago," Tyler complained attempting the horn one last time with no effect.

"Alright," I sighed getting out of my tight space in the rear next to a cooler with several pillows squished around my legs.

After nearly tripping out of the minivan, I headed through the front door and down towards Sam room. If he took any longer we would be left stranded. Leaning into his door way, I waited surprised. I had expected a frantic Sam pacing his room but instead he just sat on the edge of his bed- quiet and deep in thought.

Taking a moment I sized him up. His hair a little longer than when we first started our arrangement but his eyes were still these complicated whirlwind among a childlike freckled face. He looked up giving a sheepish smile.

"You ready to go?" I asked, gesturing to his tightly packed hikers backpack crammed to the brim. Knowing him well enough, I knew he was anxious and I promised myself this was the one time I wouldn't pray on his nervousness- no matter how adorable he was.

He gulped, "Yeah."

"Want me to drive?" I offered.

"No. If we needed to break a speed record or get mangled horrifically, I'd let you," Sam smiled struggling to swing his bag onto his back. Good thing we had a large enough vehicle and there was no fair for overweight baggage.

The drive was filled with quiet karaoke and random games as we headed to the camp ground. We were luckily enough to have the ocean close by and a forest thick enough to have some wild life and hiking trails. To keep himself calm Sam told us random camping facts and survive tips he had learned like not climbing a tree to escape a bear.

"I don't think we have to worry about bears," Bailee laughed at Sam's dramatic shock facts.

"Cougars maybe?" I suggested.

"Cougars?" Violet gasped.

"Yeah giant cats that are so quiet when they stock their prey they never see it coming. They say once you see it it's already been following you," I said in a dark voice trying to scare her.

"What about the wolves?" Tyler added from the passenger seat taking a break from DJ-ing for the car.

"You better have room in your tents because no one mentioned wild animals when I agreed to come," Violet pouted taking a break from texting her man before we started to lose service in the mountains.

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